•Chapter Four

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As soon as they both left, you packed your stuff and walked back to your home. You did your routine and laid straight on your bed, scrolling through your Instagram. You saw a Notification and clicked on. It was a text from an Unknown number. You read it and that unknown number belonged to none another that Jihye's Father, Namjoon.

You smiled to yourself and kept your phone side, going to sleep.
Next day,
You went to college, then to the flower shop and then finally to the café. Your day always goes by quickly, it's just running from college to work and then again to another workplace, but today it was different. You were waiting for someone and Someone was waiting for you.

Jihye wasn't a complete stranger nor a relative of yours but you had some sort of connection to her, maybe an unknown connection.
Your shift was about to end and Jimin again gave you puppy eyes and left earlier.
Ugh. This mochi!

The bell dinged as the door to your café opened. There she was, "Jihye!!" You exclaimed as she jumped into your arms.
"Y/nie!!! I missed you!" She kissed you cheek as you looked up to see Namjoon.
"Hey." He said as you smiled, mumbling a small hi.

"Y/nie. Can we go to the park today? Where we met that night?" She asked as looked at her before looking at Namjoon.
"Only if it's ok with you y/n." He smiled as you nodded.
"Sure. Let me just pack my stuff!" You said as you walked towards the staff room. You grabbed your backpack and a little paper-box.

"Let's go!" You said taking her hand in yours as Namjoon just followed you both. Soon you guys reached the park and sat down on a bench, Namjoon placed Jihye on his lap.
"Here. Take this. I prepared it for you." You gave her the paper-box.
"Brownies!" She exclaimed in joy and clapped her hands.

"I know you like them." You pinched her nose as she nodded.
"I'll go and play." She ran towards the swing as you rested your back on the back of the bench.
"Thank you for this y/n." Namjoon spoke as you smiled.
"It's ok. I know she likes it so I prepared them for her." You said as you both started to talk about random things.

"I am actually searching for a new babysitter. It's tough to handle my company and Jihye at the same time and all on my own." He sighed. You looked at the man who was looking at his daughter.
"I can understand. But she is Pretty much understanding. Also, do tell me if you need any help." You smiled as he looked at you.

"Actually there is something you can do for me.." he said as you frowned.
"What is it?" You asked, "C-can you be her babysitter?"
"Me?" You pointed at yourself as he nodded.
"I would love to but I already have 2 jobs and I barely get time… i Don't think I would be able to handle babysitting with my jobs and academics." You sadly shrugged.

"See… I am not forcing you or something but, you can leave those jobs and babysit Jihye. I know I may sound selfish for saying this but yeah.. It's like, ever since she met you, she has started being happy and ecstatic. She used to be sad and silent before she met you but now it seems like she got the brightness back in her life. I just want to see her happy.." he said in a low voice and you looked at him.

"I'll think about it, Namjoon. I'll let you know about it. I guess I have to change my timetable for that." You flashed him a smile as he looked at you with widened eyes.
"Really? You are willing to be her babysitter?" You nodded.
"Oh my god. She would be so happy." He said as you chuckled.
"Ok. If you think you are serious about the babysitting thing then come to my house tomorrow, in the morning." He said.

"Sure. I'll let you know once I reach home and talk to my boss." You smiled.

"I'll get Jihye and then we can enjoy the Brownies Together!" He left. You sighed and started thinking about it, it was actually a good idea since you'll be able to make time for your studies plus you could also spend time with Jihye.

"Y/nie!" Jihye came with Namjoon and sat in between you both.
"Here." Namjoon passed you the ice-cream cone as you frowned.
"Why did you bring this?" You asked.

"Ah. She likes Ice-cream so when we saw an ice-cream truck nearby we decided to buy some for us and you." He smiled.
"Thank you." You politely said as he smiled.
"Eat before it melts!" You nodded and started enjoying your ice-cream.

"Aish. You are such a kid y/n." He shook his head,
"Huh? What are you talking about?" You asked, licking the ice-cream.
"You have some of the ice-cream below your lips!" He pointed at your lower lip.

"Here?" You tried wiping down but he shook his head.
"No no. There just a bit away." You immediately moved your finger but he shook his head again. He sighed, coming closer to you as his thumb made contact with your lower lip.
He slowly wiped the ice-cream off your lip, he paused for a moment staring deep into your eyes and then backed away cleaning his thumb with a tissue.
"Now it's good." He said
"T-thanks." Fuck. You mentally cursed for stuttering.

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