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"You're still coming right?" I ask him and he nods. I know he's tired of my reminders but I really wanted him to meet my parents, properly.

"Do you have a tie?" I ask him.

"Nah I don't." He replies from the corner of my closet, staring at my dig through his clothes.

"Babe how do you not own a tie?" I sigh before looking back down at the shoe section of his closet.

I feel his arms wrap around me and seconds later his kisses are planted along my neck and my jaw and I feel myself relax.

"What you stressin' for?" He whisper in my ear. We've never done anything more but kissing but in this moment all I can think about is his fingers massaging my-

"My dad..he's just so, well you've met him so you know what I mean." I reply as I turn to face him.

I just want today to go right.

"I can get someone to get me a tie in the next," He looks  down to his watch before looking back up to me . "Next 3 hours."

"It's fine... this can work." I say before pulling out a black polo shirt. Judging from his face I know the idea was a immediate no.

"Nothing with short sleeves and no shirts, I want to be comfortable." He tells me which makes me laugh.

"You're worse than me." I reply as he waves me off, walking out of the closet.

During the past week we've been with each other a lot, me usually being in his house. I've barely been uploading any videos neither has he been working but i'll enjoy the break, just for these few days.

"Is this okay?" I ask, lifting up a new outfit. He gives me a peculiar look before nodding and looking back at his macbook.

"I just want you guys to like each other." I say as I sit on his lap- or on something else.

"Me and your fine ass mama, we cool." He jokes and I playfully punch him.

I reposting myself on his lap, I move my waist in a certain way which is followed by a low grown escaping his throat. I stand up as I giggle but he doesn't look amused.

"Stop playing with me 'Lani." He glares at me before looking back at his screen.

Let me play more.

I look down to see his hardened piece, I rest my hand on his lap as his dick bulges in my hand.

"Look at what you did," He says. "That's what you do to me Kehlani."

I forget how to breathe in the moment. I feel it throbbing through his pants but he doesn't waste any time.

He picks me up and my legs immediately wrap around his waist before he lays me out on his bed. He hovers over me and his tongue slowly enters my mouth, our kiss is passionate and deep.

His hands explore my body until they graze my thighs. His hands slip through the band of my joggers and lower them slowly, leaving me in my lace panties.

"Can I baby?" He asks me and I nod but he's not satisfied. "Tell me."

"You can." I whisper and he nods. He slips my panties to side before sliding two fingers inside me. I gasp at the action which only drives him.

He slowly encircles my moist clit with his finger, making my moans fill the room. He dips down to my thighs, sloppily kissing them. One of his hand goes up to my perky breast and elongates with my nipple.

His free hand widens the space between my legs. He stares at it for a while before smashing his tongue inside of me. I grip the surrounding sheets as his tongue inspects me.

"You're so wet for me baby." He hums against my pussy, overstimulating me further.

I start to grind on his face as I feel myself become wetter but his pace stays steady and controlled. He continues to stroke my sweet spot as he gently sucks on me.

"Amir..." I barely whisper out in pleasure. His groaning sends vibrations to my core. I attempt to push his head away but his arms hoist me further to his face.

"Oh fuckkk." I scream out, gripping the sheets until I feel myself release. He licks the remains of my juices before leaving a trail of kisses from my thighs to my neck. I would allow him to do further damage but we had somewhere to be.

"You taste so sweet." He chuckles before kissing my pouted lips. I look down at his hardened dick, poking through his shorts.

After all, he does deserve something too.

"I want you, right now." I mumble quietly. I reach down to his boxer band but he stops me. He grabs my hand and lifts them up above my head.

"You sure?" He asks, pressing his dick against my pussy which only heightens my need for him. I nod in reply which causes him to smile.

In seconds his boxers are off and his dick springs out of them. I knew it was big but jesus-

My thoughts are drowned as he places himself at my entrance and his dick rubs up and down my slit.

"Please..." I moan out but I immediately regret it once I see his smirk. His left hand finds his way around my throat before he immediately slams into me.

He slams into me again, my back arches, his thrusts become deeper and faster and my screams only drive him.

I close my eyes and start to grip whatever I can find as I bite my lip.

"No look at me, let me see your pretty face." He orders in my ear, making our eyes meet. His face doesn't say much but his eyes do.

I clench around his dick before he ripples through me and in seconds, I feel my orgasm arise. He releases on my stomach not too long after and we lay beside each other breathlessly.

He reaches over and kisses me gently, it's funny how his mood changed so quickly. He gets up and walks to the bathroom, running me a bath.

What would I do without him?


We've been laying on my bed for the past hour. I usually can't stay in one spot for so long but for her...
I don't know if she's tired or if I hurt her. Once she finished her bath I basically had to dress her myself.

Her dad expected us in a hour and his mansion is at least 40 minutes away.

"Kehlani," I call out but she doesn't answer. "Baby." I lean closer in her ear.

"Mmmmm." She mumbles through my pillow. She slightly shifts to face me.

"Did I hurt you?" I ask her but she shakes her head no. I hope I didn't.

"You wanna start going now? We're going to be late." I reply.

"Okay." She replies softly.

I move to get up but she pulls me in for another kiss before letting go. I'm usually the one that's touchy and clingy but lately that's switched.

"Come on." I say, putting my arm out so she can get up from the bed.

Tried my first smut scene😭 forgive me if it's not that good

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