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"You're so ass." Aidan teases Amir who was losing in 2K. I knew Amir didn't play games as much since he was always busy but damn he was bad.

"I have responsibilities, the fuck do you do?" He remarks and I nudge his shoulder before looking at Ajani.

"He doesn't understand." He shrugs causing me to roll my eyes. I was still so paranoid from when I told Amir to eat me out and Ajani gave me a weird look.

From then on I never said anything crazy in front of him again. I don't know why I said that in front of him anyway.

"Did I tell you you look beautiful today Kehlani?" Aidan turns to me causing me to smile. He was so adorable.

"I would say thank you but you're like 10." I reply and he sucks his teeth, mugging me. He had the same mannerisms as his brother it was so funny.

"Age ain't nothing- finish that sentence and i'll beat your ass nigga." Amir bucks at Aidan and he jumps which makes me chuckle.

Aidan mocks him before sucking his teeth again, putting his attention back onto the game

"Pause the game niglet." He says before pulling his phone out. His phone wasn't ringing but it was vibrating in his hand.

Reminded me of something else.

"Your dad's outside," He says to Aidan. I know it hurt him to say 'your' dad like they weren't brothers. "Niyah's awake and he wants all y'all to see her."

"You ain't gonna come and see her too?" Aidan asks as he stands up.

"You know how it is Aidan." He sighs, referring to his family issues. It doesn't take long until we're out the door.

Amir protested but his mom wanted to see me and our baby. He felt like it was just a con for his dad to make a judgement about me but I wasn't scared.

"I'll see you later Aidan." I tell him, patting his back before he got into the car where 3 members of the family already were in.

I've never seen Amir's dad close up. He looked just like them with a fuller beard and that mean mug Amir and Sadè has.

Not Aidan though, he was very smiley like his mom.

"He's beautiful, he looks just like you." Daya says with a big smile on her face. The same smile she had when she met me.

(I don't remember Amir's mom name but they're nigerian so let's just call her Daya)

"Nothing like his daddy." His dad inputs with a small, awkward chuckle. I look behind me to Amir who stood with folded arms and a clenched jaw.

"How have you been Kehlani? Is the baby stressing you?" Daya asks me, switching the topic thankfully.

"He's okay, he just gets aggy at night and never lets us sleep." I reply.

"Well- he's going to get cold, you guys should get going." Amir interrupts and I scrunch my face slightly.

He wasn't even a good liar.

"You're not coming to see Niyah with us?" His dad asks and I realise that's the first time i've ever seen him speak so calmly.

"Nah." Amir replies bluntly. He talked so weird with him, he talked so differently. He spoke as if he was speaking to Kano.

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