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I kissed her neck and her shoulder and she stirs in her sleep. I slap her ass and she groans loudly causing me to chuckle.

"Amir it's too early for that." She sighs quietly.

"It's 11." I reply and she slowly turns, her ass on full display.

Kehlani had this thing where she always slept naked besides from one of my baggy shirts, I had no complaints though.

As soon as we got back from Miami she was too tired so we just went to sleep, I could tell she was truly tired because she didn't even want to eat.

"Good morning baby." I say before hovering over and kissing her hungrily. She struggles to respond back nor keep up with me.

She's tired.

"Let me tell you something ." She mumbles causing me to sigh, leaning off of her.

She rubs her eyes and slowly wakes herself up fully. She leans up and so do I.

"I want to be with you." She says and I nod.

"I know." I reply and she mushes my head. "You really wanna be with me?" I ask her and she giggles.

"Don't be corny Amir."

"I got you something." I say as I look down in my drawer. I take out the small packaging and pass it to her.

She opens the box and she scrunches up her face in shock and confusion.

"Amir...- I ain't marrying you or nothing yet it's just a promise ring." I cut her off. "I promise to never hurt you and always treat you with the upmost respect."

She looks up to me and wraps her arms around me quickly. She buries her face in my neck and whispers in my ear.

"I love you too."

I wrap her closer towards me before kissing her cheek. I gently take her hand and slide the ring on her finger before kissing her hand softly.

"Hood nigga ain't so hood now huh?" She asks me and I laugh.

"I ain't ever been no hood nigga when it came to you." I reply.

"I can't believe we're having a child." She says,

"When we gonna tell your parents?" I ask and her jaw drops. Even through everything, I'm guessing she hasn't thought about telling them yet.

"I haven't thought about it." She replies. I know her so well.

"You wanna get ready and eat and we'll talk about it later?" I ask her and she smiles before nodding.

I kiss her once more before leaving the room, I know if I didn't leave soon enough I would be all over her and she probably doesn't need that.

I prepared something simple for her to eat, she loves her açai bowls ever since she saw one on pinterest and demanded that we try it.

Her braids drip as she walks down the steps into the kitchen. My floor was marble so it wouldn't have been hard to clean.

"You good? You want anything?" I ask her. 

"I'm good, thank you." She replies before sitting down at the breakfast bar. She gives the bowl a look then looks back up to me.

"You don't want it huh?" I ask and we both laugh at my bluntness.

"It's not that, it looks great...it's just.." She shrugs, trailing off.

"You don't have to eat it but you have to eat something." I reply.

"Can we go somewhere for breakfast?" She asks as if she isn't my whole heart, everything she says goes.

"Of course, where you wanna go?" I ask and she thinks for a while whilst making that humming sound she makes when she doesn't know what to pick.

"The Italian spot you took me, Mr. Bianchi's." She says.


Mr Bianchi had a warm smile, his aura was just so inviting and I loved it. He was like a dad nobody had, especially towards Amir.

Nonetheless his food was absolutely amazing and my cravings were making me eat nearly everything in here.

Each time I would try a weird food combo, Amir just had to record it.

I misssd times like these, where we would just eat and talk. I feel like we haven't been like this in forever.

I loved him.

"When he or she is born, I want to take them to that beach you took me too." I tell him.

"Sure that's fine but why?" He asks.

"I don't know, I just love being there. It's important to me." I reply.

"We will. Also, I need to go to Staten Island for a day." He says.

Just when I got him back.

"Why what's up?"

"Rico might be up there, you know i'm only telling you this because I promised to be real with you." He replies.

"I know there's nothing I can say to change your mind so with whatever you do, please just be careful. We have a child now." I say.

"After this i'm all for you, and our baby. Then i'm gone forever." He says as he puts his pinky finger out.

"I thought that was corny to you." I chuckle before wrapping mine around his and leaning over to peck his lips.

"It is but I ain't ever broke one." He replies which is true.

"Can we tell my parents before you leave?" I ask him and he nods. "I love you."

"With my heart." He finishes.

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