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4 days later

"Amirrr you made it!" Niyah squeals once she sees me on the front porch. I hear a couple old heads mumble about how expensive my car is and how I switched up on them but I ignore it.

"What's up Niyah?" I pull her in for a hug. She looked way different from the last time I saw her, she really grew up.

"That your car?" She asks and I nod. "You know i'm 18 without a car, kind of embarrassing ...you trynna hook me up?"

"Aye i'll see what I can do lil cous'." I respond. I walk over to my other 'family members' on the porch and greet them.

"Aye that's Ace?" I hear one of my other cousins from behind me. I turn around and dap him up.

"Damn Brandon you look big." I joke. He definitely been putting some work in.

Me, Brandon and June all grew up together and Niyah soon tagged along once she became of age. Brandon and June were real cousins whilst the rest of us just grew up in the same neighbourhood. Everybody knew each other and we were all like family.

"You know how it gets here." He sighs. We look around the porch and talk for the next 10 minutes and catch up on life.

Brandon was a good ass football player but he got a injury right before we graduated.

"You know the craziest shit is me and June got into a big ass argument right before he died." He shakes his head, scoffing.

"About what?" I ask. June been gone for a while now but Brandon always seemed to bring up some type of story about him.

"You know, football. He thought I was jealous because he was further in life than me in terms of our career and shit, hell yeah I was." He says truthfully making a few others around us laugh.

"June was a star, he was gonna break through for all of us. He was gonna make it." Brandon sighs before taking a sip of his drink.

"Just at the wrong place at the wrong time." One of Brandon's cousin inputs.

I speak to them a while longer before walking into the house to greet everybody else. The house gets less and less packed each year we would come for June's day.

"You ain't seen your siblings?" Niyah says from behind me making me jump.

"Nah, where they at?" I ask her and she points upstairs.

That's where we would all chill on June's day but as we grew up we just left that for the younger kids. We would all be on the porch with the rest of the old heads. It was tradition.

I went up there with Niyah, mainly to avoid the kitchen where all the women would be. Especially my mother.

Niyah gestured for me to open the door first and so I did. A bunch of the 'kids' I knew who were now teens around 13-17 turned to me.

"Ain't no way this nigga's here." Christian announced loudly before my siblings Sadè and Aidan ran up to me. I missed them I won't even lie, we catch up every week and their spoiled ass got whatever they wanted but since going to prison I ain't talked to them in nearly a year.

"I feel like I ain't seen you guys in forever." I widen my eyes, taking in all of these 'kids'.

"That's cause you haven't." Sadè replied and a few others agreed.

"You nearly taller than me." I say, turning to Aidan. Aidan was only 16 and was at least 5'11 now.

"I am taller." He chuckles. I look around the room making sure he's the one speaking because ain't no way.

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