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1 week later

"Babyyy." I hear voice whine through the pillow. I turn over and wrap arms around her waist. She's always so warm, I don't know how.

"What's up? You hungry?" I ask her and she shakes her head- well, barely.

"No..give me a kiss." She smirks before reaching in to kiss me but I pull away.

"You ain't even brush your teeth." I chuckle but she rolls her eyes. She sucks her teeth before pulling me in once more and I don't retreat. I reach down, rubbing her thighs gently.

My hands reach over to her ass, gripping it as her tongue invites itself into my mouth.

I pull her shorts off and then her panties, I rub my finger across her slit. She was definitely ready. And definitely wet.

"Why you so wet already?" I ask her. I hover over before attempting to reach down to her pussy but she stops me.

"Please..just.." She says shyly, referring to sex. If she wanted the dick she could've just said that.

I chuckle slightly before nodding. I'll give it to her then.

She extends her arm to meet my dick but I lift both of hers, way too eager. I hold both of her hands above her head with one of mine before using the other hand to reveal my piece.

"Fuck." We yelp in unison as I slowly thrust myself inside of her, her wetness coating my dick.

She tries to wiggle through my grip but I keep her hands steady, going deeper now. I started to drill through her and surprisingly, she's lasting longer than I thought she would.

"Shittt baby." She hisses, only motivating my movements.

"Nah you wanted this," I speak sternly as I keep my eyes on her. If perfect was real, it would be her. "Stop running mama."

"Mmmmm- oh fuck." She moans out as my mouth focuses on her neck, this time I plan to leave marks.

"Slow...down..." She says between moans. My thrusts became faster and rougher, completely ignoring her instructions.

"Damn baby." I groan out which stimulates her as I feel her walls clench around me. Soon enough she squirts around my dick, breathing heavily.

I pick up the pace and release across her stomach and thighs. We breathe heavily, staring at each other.

"You're so pretty, you know that?" I tell her exhaustedly. She half smiles, I know she's too tired too. I peck her lips twice before laying beside her.

My phone rings- it's Rico.


"What's good?"

"Pull up in a hour, me and Darrel are ready." He says over the phone.

"Today? It's too early."

"We let shit die down long enough."

"It's too hot, when shit burns you don't touch it straight away." I reply, speaking through codes.

"Well nigga we got gloves." He chuckles. Ain't shit funny.

"I'll be there." I sigh.

I end the call before looking back to Kehlani. She was either sleeping or too tired to open her eyes. Thankfully she definitely didn't pay no mind this call.

I kiss her but she doesn't interact. Definitely sleeping.

I get up and walk to my bathroom to complete my hygiene and get ready. Once i'm out the shower, she's up on tiktok.

"You want me to make you anything before I leave?" I ask her as I open the drawers to get my boxers.

"You're leaving?" She frowns and I nod regretfully. That look on her face don't sit right with me.

"Im going to see Darrel and Rico." I tell her and she scrunches her face up.

"Baby, Darrel just lost his daughter, don't be like that." I sigh.

"Just a few weeks ago you was telling me we won't ever interact with him ever again." She declares.

"I don't want to argue with you over this." I shake my head.

"But when Rico saw me you scared the fuck out of yourself."

"You don't trust me?" I ask her and she sighs deeply. I lean over the bed to kiss her and she sniffs me whilst she does so.

"You think you so slick," She chuckles. "This smells like what I be using."

Thank you lord for switching the subject.

"All your shit already here so I stopped buying the stuff I usually get, yours is way better." I reply enthusiastically.

"I told youuu but you don't want to listen." She rolls her eyes before going back on her phone.

"You gonna stay here until I get back? I'll be home before 6."

"I'll wait for you." She pecks my lips before getting up to the bathroom. I grab her ass before she does so and she cuts her eyes at me.

I know she liked that shit anyway.


"Took you long enough nigga." I scoff as Amir walks through the house.

"Why the fuck would you tell me to come here?" He raises his voice as he eyes the product on the table that my crew was working on.

"So we can talk." I reply simply.

"I ain't talking here, i'm not going to jail for this bullshit." He scoffs before walking out.

So damn soft.

I chase after him, stopping him before he gets completely into his car.

"Alright then we'll talk somewhere else, fuck." I sigh and he nods.

"Where Darrel at?"

"He's inside." I reply and he jerks his head back slightly.

"Don't tell me you got his ass-

"He's making some real fucking money." I scrunch my face up. "What the fuck did you do for him?" I ask and he immediately grabs me by my collar.

I grab his back but we let go, mutually. We too old to be tussling.

"What the fuck you make me come here for?" He sighs.

"Capo's dead."

"I know." He shrugs.

"I'm surprised you found that quick." I chuckle, referring to his position.

"Streets talk." He says nonchalantly.

"You ain't even in the streets?" I say and he deadpans me. "Man look, Darrel did that shit."

"The fuck? Niggas couldn't even tell me? Heat ain't fucking died down yet now you gonna start some shit you ain't ready." He exclaims yet I smirk through his little temper tantrum.

He wants to join back, I know he does.

"We need you." I tell him but he waves me off, shaking his head.

"I did my part for Sierra." He responds before getting in his car. He leaves the door slightly open before turning to me.

"Just don't drag down Darrel with your bullshit."

"He's a grown ass man." I reply.

"You know what I-

"GET THE FUCK DOWN!" Darrel shouts from the doorway.

Amir jumps out of the car and ducks down behind the vehicle. I repeat the same action. I hear shots ringing and bouncing- some from Darrel and some from them.

Wait- Darrel?

Some other my members from my crew were out shooting back and in seconds the car speeds off from away from us.

"I fucking told you dumb ass niggas." Amir shouts. His shouting is drowned out by my realisation of the whole situation.

This shit is a fucking war.

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