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1 week later

Suits wasn't really my thing but being in one really made me feel so good. You could never go wrong with a plain black suit.

I haven't been to a wedding in years, this one was definitely beautiful. I wonder if i'll ever fall in love with someone and get married. I realise what i'm here for and continue to take pictures.


I miss her.

I wonder if we'll ever be back to where we were or more, I wish we got to that stage. But I also wish we don't because I know it would've been harder to let her go.


"We're always late." I whine, putting my heels back on.

"Who's 'we're'? You're always late." Zeke corrects causing me to chuckle.

"I was hungry." I shrug before opening the door. Zeke sometimes tries to open it for me but I don't allow it, it's not the same. I can feel him giving me a slight look but I ignore it.

"I bet you're gonna eat a lot here." He chuckles as we walk into the venue. It was Zeke's cousin's wedding and he invited me and Kieron but he's nowhere to be found.

"Ah Kehlani?" I turn once I hear my name to meet with Zeke's brother. He was 2 years older. "I haven't seen you in forever, where you been?" He gives me a small side hug.

"You the one that's been running away from me." I joke. His two other sisters come over and we talk for a while before we make our way to our table.

Zeke's family was big and loyal and everyone treated me and Kieron as if we were apart of it.

"What's up with you and Zeke?" Kylie, Zeke's sister asks me. I turn to Zeke who was now talking with his brother before turning back to her.

"We're really just friends." I shrug simply.

"We both know he wants more than that." She replies. I turn back to him but I see someone else, him.

Of course he's here.

"Who's here?" Kylie asks then I realise I said that out loud.

"I'll be right back." I tell her and she nods. I walk over to Amir and in seconds his eyes are on mine. We had a long enough distance between us and his gaze scared me.

"Why are you here Amir?" I ask him, sighing. He lifts his camera nonchalantly.


He was hired here.

"Oh...I didn't know." I back down, slightly embarrassed.

"You thought I would be here for you or some shit?" He asks which honestly does hurt.

"This is-

"Zeke's cousin's wedding, I know. I ain't know you would be here though so my fault." He replies.

"Oh so you knew?" I raise my eyebrow. I don't know if this was on purpose or genuinely a accident.

"Your friend is waiting for you Kehlani." He says looking behind me, adding emphasis on the friend.

"Ezekiel?" I ask and he nods. "Look, can we just talk after?" I ask him.

"We can," He says sternly. He looks at me and gives me a long look. "You look beautiful Kehlani."


"Thank you." I smile and he nods in return. I turn back around and walk back to Zeke, trying to stop myself smiling.

"You okay?" He asks me before pulling my chair back out for me.

"I'm okay Zeke." I give him a small smile before sitting down.

"Wasn't that-

"Yeah, that was him." I interrupt, not wanting any questions. The media was honestly bad enough.

"And you talked to him?" He asks. I sense some anger or jealousy, I don't know.

"Ezekiel what are you trying to say right now?" I turn to him fully.

"It seems like he comes with a lot of issues, that's all." Zeke shrugs. I don't know how to reply, maybe because it's partly true.

5 Hours Later

"Don't make me fuck you right here Kehlani." Amir whispers in my ear. His touch is irresistible, it always has been. We pull away from our lust full kiss, I stare in his eyes but he turns his face.

"Amir I want you." I say truthfully. I still liked him and I never fully got over him, I wanted him badly. "I want you but I don't want what weighs you down to come with it."

"That shit is gone now, I learnt from my mistake." He replies.

"Is it though Amir?"

He opens his mouth to speak but Zeke knocks on my window. I open the car door and he's standing there, staring at Amir.

"Good to see you back." Ezekiel says, breaking the tension.

"Good to be back." Amir replies.

"Give me a minute Zeke, I'll be right out." I say to him and he gives the both of us a smile before walking over to his car.

"You still live in the same crib?" Amir asks as soon as I turn to him.


"Bye 'Lani." He reaches over and kisses my temple and my hand. His lips are soft and gentle, as always.

Bye Amir.

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