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-Streets of Konohagakure-

Naruto eyed Kurotsuchi as she yawned while they walked down the street. She had been tired like this lately ever since she started training with Gai and his team three weeks ago. He was worried that she was over stressing herself, even more so now that they didn't see each other as much as hey used to and Naruto couldn't check on her that often. Yeah, they still saw each other every morning on the way to the training grounds but they usually trained separated as they worked on their own skills and then she always left for the second half of the day to go train with Team Gai. So all in all, they had been so busy with their respective training that they haven't hung out that much.

Also, there was also a certain air of discomfort between them that Naruto could not explain. And 'discomfort' wasn't exactly right either but Naruto could not think of another name for this odd feeling that neither of them could identify nor they acknowledged but they could tell it was there even if they tried to ignore it.

''Are ou okay? You look off'' Inquired Naruto.

''Yeah, yeah. I'm just tired that's all'' Said Kurotsuchi as she massaged her eyelids. ''Gai's training is ridiculous. Three weeks and I'm still not used to the regime he puts me through. I don't know how Tenten puts up with this''

''I know what you mean. Bushy brow-Sensei can be a little too much'' Said Naruto, already expecting the girl to say something like that. Every morning she complained to him about the intense exercises that Gai makes her do the day before, so this was starting to become part of their routine. ''But it'll be worth it in the end. You'll see'' Said Naruto. Team Gai was one of the strongest teams he knew, so he was certain that if someone could make Kurotsucchi stronger it would be them.

''I sure hope so, my body definitely feels the pain'' Said Kurotsuchi. ''What about you, Naruto? How is your training coming along? Did you finish that one-handed Rasengan yet?''

''You bet!'' Declared the blond before extending his palm and a bright ball of Chakra manifested itself on his hand. After he had finished learning the Reppusho Kakashi had told him that before they went to the next step of their training he needed Naruto to completely master the Rasengan and that included learning to make one without clone assistance. ''Kakashi-Sensei was very adamant about me learning to make it one-handed. I told him it was stupid since as long as I could make it it wasn't a big deal but he wouldn't have it. He said that today we will mix it with my Chakra Nature or something like that. He said that it will be hard and needed me to have the Rasengan mastered in its entirety''

''I see. It seems we both have our work cut out for us'' Said Kurotsuchi with a smile.

''It looks that way, but you'll see, I will surpass you before you know it!'' Replied Naruto with a smirk.

''Oh, really? we'll see about that, won't we?'' Said Kurotsuchi, still smiling.

''Excuse me, you two''

At being called, both Naruto and Kurotsuchi turned to look at a couple that had been walking in the opposite direction and had stopped when they crossed paths.

''I'm sorry to bother you youngsters, but I was wondering if you could help a gal out'' Said the woman. She was plain looking, with straight brown hair and brown eyes, dressed casually; she was a civilian by the look of things. Behind her was standing a taller man with dark hair and brown eyes, holding a camera on a wood tripod, he also appeared to be a simple civilian.

Naruto and Kurotsuchi glanced at each other momentarily in confusion before regarding the two adults again.

''What is it, lady? Do you need help?'' Asked Naruto, ever so ready to help people as always.

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