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Yugao stared into the distance with worry. Katsuyu had informed the remaining ninja that Naruto had gone by himself to find Pain's real body but that had been hours ago. Had he won? Why was he taking it so long then?

''We should have gone with him'' Yugao berated herself mentally.

''I understand how you feel, Yugao-San,'' Said Kakashi who had been accompanying the ANBU captain ever since he recovered consciousness. ''But we have to keep our cool''

''How can you be so calm, Kakashi-Senpai?!'' Inquired Yugao incredulously. ''Naruto is your student, how can you be so collected when Naruto left us to fight that monster?! We should at least have gone after him!''

''In our current condition we would be of no use to him, you know that'' Said Kakashi as he eyed Yugao seriously. ''We are injured and almost out of Chakra. You felt how Naruto and Pain fought. In our current health, we can't hope to keep up with them. Pain may even target us to force Naruto to slip up''

Yugao glanced at the floor and clenched her teeth in suppressed rage. She knew that Kakashi was right, but that didn't make this all the less frustrating. Konoha was her home, those who there laying in the remains of their village were her comrades, and Naruto was her fellow leaf Shinobi. Knowing that she wouldn't be able to help didn't make all this any less aggravating.

Suddenly, Kakashi narrowed his visible eye as he noticed something approaching in the distance. ''Yugao, look!''

The purple-haired woman diverted her look to the horizon and saw some kind of light rays getting closer at an impressive speed. Both Jounin didn't even have time to wonder what it was before the light beams were upon them and started raining all around the village.

''What the heck is going on?!'' Asked Yugao as she glanced around in confusion at the beams of light landing everywhere.

Kakashi managed to catch glimpse of a ray that landed on the corpse of a Chunin laying in a pile of rubble a few yards away. The copy ninja didn't have time to wonder what was goong on when he noticed in shock that the ninja started stirring and standing up with a hand on his aching head.

Yugao was now also paying attention to the man coming back to life. Both she and the cyclops were in still in complete astonishment when they started noticing several more Shinobi starting to rise from the debris around them. The previously dead ninja wandered the place, seemingly just as confused as Yugao and Kakashi.

Yugao stared in disbelief. ''Did they just come back to life?''

''how is that possible?'' Said Kakashi.

''Maybe it was Naruto''

Kakashi and Yugao turned around to see another Katsuyu approaching them.

''Naruto must have defeated Pain,'' Said the slug. ''This should be the result of that''

''I can't think of any other explanation'' Said Kakashi. They knew almost nothing about the Rinnegan. This could very well be the result of Pain being defeated.

Yugao watched this amazing scene deep in thought. She couldn't believe this was possible. Suddenly, she widened her eyes when a realization hit her. ''Wait, does this mean that...'' Then the woman took off into the ruined village, looking for the place where she had put Kurotsuchi's body.

After a couple of minutes, she landed beside the still form of the Iwa Kunoichi. Yugao was starting to wonder if the girl was going to be affected by that strange light when another ray buried itself in the corpse.

Yugao watched intently in amazement as she saw before her eyes the chest wound of Kurotsuchi starting to mend itself in seconds. ''this is amazing'' Thought the older woman before she noticed the pale skin of Kurotsuchi starting to regain some of its natural color.

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