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''How long are you going to keep giving me the silent treatment?'' Asked Kurotsuchi to the purple-haired ANBU following her through the streets of Konoha's marketplace.

Still, Yugao just kept walking after Kurotsuchi, arms crossed and a serious look on her face that despite looking serene one could tell that she wasn't happy at all.

''I had to do it. Naruto was going to die. I couldn't just stay doing nothing and not hate myself for the rest of my life'' Said Kurotsuchi with a glance over her shoulder to look at Yugao.

Yugao stayed silent for a moment, making Kurotsuchi think that she wasn't going to respond until she finally spoke to her for the first time that day. ''You do realize that your little stunt has put not just me but my entire ANBU squad on probation?'' Yugao frowned in discomfort just talking about it. Being on probation as if they were some kind of rookies when they have always performed their task at their best of their abilities was humiliating. ''Excuse me for not being too happy about that''

''It can't be that bad'' Said Kurotsuchi. ''The Hokage has hated my ass since the first day she laid eyes on me and I have managed'' The girl tried to joke but a glare she got from Yugao tod her that she didn't find it funny in the slightest.

''It's not the same and you know it'' Said Yugao harshly. ''I have been too easy-going with you. I won't drop my guard again''

''Don't be like that'' Said Kurotsuchi. ''I thought we were friends''

''Are we?'' Responded Yugao. ''If we are friends why did you put me in this position? friends are honest with each other''

''If I told you what I wanted to do would you have let me?'' Asked Kurotsuchi rhetorically.

''Of course not'' Said Yugao without a second thought.

''Exactly'' Said Kurotsuchi. ''I'm sorry that you had to get in trouble because of me but I had to help, I just had. You would have done the same in my place''

Yugao sighed. The girl did have a point. If she could have done anything to save Hayate she would have done so, no questions asked. She knew perfectly well what it was to live knowing that you couldn't keep the person you loved most from dying. ''Fine, I'll concede you that. I too would have done stupid things for the man I loved''

Kurotsuchi stopped dead in her tracks at that comment, almost stumbling from the shock. ''L-Love?! W-Who says I love Naruto?! Of course I don't love the idiot that's ridiculous! Haha...'' Yugao's deadpan look told Kurotsuchi that she didn't believe her one bit and that she should probably stop making a fool of herself. ''Are we too obvious?'' Asked Kurotsuchi, resigning herself.

''Yes you are. Though you used to be much better at hiding it'' Said Yugao. ''I'm pretty sure that even the Hokage knows by now''

''What?!'' Asked Kurotsuchi in alarm. ''How do you know?! What makes you say that?!''

''Kakashi-Senpai told me what happened. About how she was about to punish you until you defended your actions to protect Naruto, rather passionately also might I add'' Explained Yugao. ''Judging by her weird reaction I can only guess that she realized why you are so protective of him''

''Damn it'' Muttered Kurotsuchi as she glanced to the floor in mortification. This complicated things. If the Hokage already found out about her and Naruto things would get more complicated. She had to be more careful in the future then, it might be too late now that Tsunade knew but there had to be some part of this that could still be salvaged.

''I fully expect the Hokage to talk to you about this in the near future if that's the case. I would be ready for that talk if I were you'' Warned Yugao.

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