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''I'm just saying that we Chunin should have our own lounge, that's all'' Said Kotetsu.

''You spend all your time in the Jounin's lounge anyway. I don't know why you'd need your own lounge'' Said Izumo.

The two Chunin, along with Naruto, had already spent hours traveling to the Fire Temple and the sun would set in just a couple of hours but they weren't in a rush since their destination was just a few minutes away, so they had settled for walking the rest of the way. And as always, the two best friends had discussed over all kinds of trivial matters along the way.

''It was just an idea'' Said Kotetsu. ''That or they could promote me to Jounin''

''You, a Jounin?'' Asked Izumo incredulously.

''Yeah, why not?'' Kotetsu shot back.

''You are not good enough to be a Jounin, man'' Said Izumo.

''I totally am!'' Insisted Kotetsu, seemingly offended.

''Really? You think you could hold your own against Asuma-Senpai, Kakashi-San, or Gai-San?'' Inquired Izumo.

''Maybe I would if I was given the chance to prove myself'' Said Kotetsu.

''Yeah, right'' Responded Izumo with a roll of his eyes.

''Well, if I wasn't doing errands for Tsunade-Sama all the time I would be able to show everyone my skills'' Said Kotetsu before turning to Naruto, maybe the blond would be more encouraging that Izumo. ''What do you think, Naruto?''

For a moment, the boy didn't realize he had been called, but when he felt the gaze of the men on him he turned to stare with a confused face at the two Chunin. ''Sorry, I couldn't hear you guys. Did you ask me something?'' Said Naruto.

''I was just talking to Izumo here and he thinks I'm not fit to be a Jounin, but you think I'm capable, right?'' Asked the expectant Kotetsu.

Naruto just nodded solemnly. ''I guess...'' Was the only thing he said before he went back to staring at the ground as they walked.

The two Chunin glanced at each other with concern. This behavior was very unlike Naruto. On a normal day, Naruto would have brightly smiled and said a few words of encouragement, but now he just settled for a plain 'I guess'? Now that they thought about it, this was the first time in all their travel that the boy had spoken a single word.

''Naruto, are you feeling well?'' Asked Kotetsu in concern. ''You have been acting a little...'' Said the Chunin, trying to find the right words.

''Off'' Finished Izumo.

''Yeah. Off'' Kotetsu agreed.

''I'm fine. I just have a lot in my mind at the moment'' Said Naruto, without even looking at them.

Izumo nodded in understanding. He guessed that anyone would be having reservation about this twelve guardians offer, as it was an important decision that would demand an insane amount of time in service.

However, Kotetsu wasn't as reserved on his guess. ''Oh, and why is that? Having personal problems? Could it be a girl, maybe?'' Asked Kotetsu playfully, trying to add some humor and hopefully raise Naruto's spirits.

At the question, Naruto turned to look at Kotetsu in surprise. ''How did you know?'' Asked the Jinchuuriki, much to the astonishment of the two Chunin.

Izumo was especially amazed. ''That was actually it?!'' Thought the man.

Kotetsu had not expected his guess to be right, he was just joking around. Not to mention that he didn't know that Naruto was interested in a girl. Still, he tried to play it cool. ''Naruto-Kun, it was obvious. Didn't you know? I'm an expert when it comes to girls, you could even say I'm a master'' Boasted Kotetsu was he grabbed his chin with a thoughtful look.

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