Chapter 1 - Aytrax The Disgrace

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             Among the Knights of Unity, no one was by far the most decoratively honorable Knight than Aytrax, Sword of Light a young werewolf & true hero of the Kingdom of Ever Dream next to his rival Bagar, The Graceful a young charming vampire sorcerer another great hero but young Aytrax grew astray, him the ever loyal Knight of his kingdom following orders without questions or second thoughts following the path of nobility & chivalry of his kingdom couldn't follow but one order, it was there where he grew trouble, starting to see his actions differently as a result by questioning the philosophy of Soldrax, The Beaconing Light he was disgrace & locked to rot in prison with him only being 26 at his imprisonment, a once honorable young knight who started at the age of 18 was now disgrace & forgotten to the world & his kingdom as his rival become the knew honorable decorative knight among The Knights of Unity.

          Inside a fortified prison just 20 miles away from the capital, were several prisoners locked away among those prisoners was the very same young Aytrax with shackles sitting on the floor lamenting his fate, he looked to the ceiling & spoke "Oh has the path of nobility & chivalry has been lost? Is this my fate for everything I have done in the name of Soldrax, is my reward to rot in this prison? I was once an honorable decorative Knight who was nothing but loyal to the end. What a joke!!" Aytrax's words were bitter, full of sadness and misery as he continued to stare at the ceiling, it was long before he began to speak again.

"Oh Dark Flame if you can hear my prayers, spare me from this wretched fate & I should give my will to you, as I once did to Soldrax, The Beckoning Light to only realize that his light was nothing mere an illusion, a fool I was to answer his call, Oh Dark Flame blessed me with your presence & save me from my fate as I to have gone astray." Ayxtrax pray to his new god, Odran, The Dark Flame in hopes of being benign delivered to safety from this wretched fate, little did he know his prayers were answered as the room in the cell grew dark & he blacked out falling to the floor as he struggles to remain steady clutching his chest.

            The next thing Ayxtrax knew was waking up in a temple with pillars with dark fire that had traces of red flame surrounding him with engravings in some sort of chamber that had a single door at the back, but that's not what caught his attention no it was the giant ancient dragon Odron, The Dark Flame without any words the young werewolf immediately bow to the dragon his shackles heavy in his paws, then the dragon spoke his voice echoing through the chamber filled with power & authority.

"Arise, my child, I have heard your prayers for salvation," Ordron spoke to the young Knight with compassion yet with power mixed with authority, his voice was beautiful to the young Knight who could only rise & stare at the dragon with wonder in his eyes, Odron continued to speak as Aytrax could only listen.

"Aytrax, Sword of Light you have gone stray from the philosophy of Soldrax, The Beckoning Light, astray from his terrible light & swear allegiance towards me but the blood of the innocent stains your hands, the pain that you experience in your imprisonment will be only the beginning of your path to true righteous." As Odron continue to talk Aytrax couldn't help but feel extreme regret & sorrow at his sins, as he closed his eyes remembering the screams of the innocents, their final moments flashing through his mind yet the final order was what led him to grow astray from Soldrax philosophy an order he refused to follow, his train of thought came to a pause as Odrons voice was heard again.

"Like others that have gone Astray from Soldrax's Light, you will burn with my dark flame & the suffering you inflicted on the people of numerous villages & neighboring kingdoms will become yours, pain & suffering will be your guide as a Knight of The Dark Flame you will elevate this pain by consumption of thy flesh of the ones that disgrace you, do you understand me, child?" Odrons voice spoke with authority with a hint of small compassion but not that much.

"Yes my lord, I understand I will carry the pain & suffering of others so I can walk the path of true righteousness," Ayxtrax said with teary eyes & gratefulness in his voice at being given a second chance to walk the path of righteous once again, a path of nobility & chivalry by being in pain & suffering, the pain of feeling hungry for flesh & suffering by wounds in the battlefield.

"Good now let us commence," Odeon spoke, he then reels his head back then breathes his dark flame at Aytrax, the fire wasn't what was painful for many ashtrays that will become Knights of The Dark Flame, no sir, it was the transformation that was painful.

              A transformation that changes humans, vampires & werewolves into revenants of their former selves, a painful transformation by the dark flames searing into their flesh but not burning them rather than making them feel the heat & Aystrax experiences it all, first his paws & chest burst into a fire burning a hole where his heart was replaced by a dark flame his arms down to the elbow were engulfed in forever black red fire, his legs up to knees were also in black red fire, his ribs were now sticking out from his sides looking extremely sharp like sharp teeth his eyes a bright crimson red & his fangs had gone longer & sharper while his fur grew thicker, the transformation was different for vampires & humans. Vampires tended to become bat monstrosities rather than remain as pale humans while humans were turned into half-living flesh-charred skeletons burning with the dark flames, with missing muscles & flesh in their legs up to the knees & arms down to the elbow with no skin in their bottom jaw & no flesh in the eye area of their skull, their eyeballs remain intact with fiery pupils glowing in the dark.

              With a loud howl Axtrax, The Disgrace formerly known as Ayxtrax, The Sword of Light transformation was completely reborn as a new the next moment he will awake in his cell he will no longer be known by his former title or as Ayxtrax, The Disgrace who was once an honorable decorative knight. For he had a new purpose in life blessed by the dark flame of Odron, an ancient eternal dragon who by all means was compassionate & who was not the vile monster others viewed him as. Aytrax saw him as his savior & he will carry Odrons will to spread true justice by walking the path of righteous chivalry & nobility through pain & suffering for he is Aytrax, Hound of Odron a title given to him by Odron himself, hearing his voice blessed him with a new title was a gift for Aytrax. So Aytrax awoke in his cell in his new transformed state & snapped both the shackles that bound him by his ankles & waists ready to escape this fortress & seek his fellow astray that will guide him in his journey. Blasting a hole through the wall by reaching into his pain & suffering he looked back towards the cell door & stepped outside he saw guards entering the room before disappearing in a flash of black red fire, all the while hearing the oath of Knights of The Dark Flame by his former self.

Oh, Dark Flame, please guide my way with your flames

Thou Grant me strength & wisdom through my pain

May you burn for eternity in our need as we gain your Blessing

Grant us strength with your flame

Only we Knights that understand pain & suffering

Burning with the dark flame as righteous warriors

Oh mighty Dark Flame, hear our oath to your cause

We The Knights of The Dark Flame, Burning with anguish

Like a Torch lighting the way to righteousness with our misery & darkness

So Others prosper while we face glorious death, under your guise without fear

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