Twenty - six

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That night after having last look at everything they all also leaved to the home as they all came home everyone retired to their respective rooms, when Riya reached her room she dramatically slumped on the couch in their room, and Rahul smiled looking at his wife cute antiques . And moved  towards her and sat down on the couch beside her and said,

Riya go and get fresh up and then you can go to sleep okay. He said while caressing her hair.

No i don't want to, as when his hands started caressing in her hairs she felt very relaxed and didn't wanted to go.
She just wanted to enjoy what he was doing. So she just put her head in his lap and took his hand put it in her hairs again.he laughed at her and then it was very silent around break this silent atmosphere between them Rahul said ,

Riya i want to have a little talk with you.

Jeeee .... She said looking up at him still lying on his lap .

Actually as we are discovering our relationship i want to promise you that i will always will be there whenever you want me, and we will do everything best for eachother  he said smiling at her . When she heard him she also sat up smiling at him and  said,

I am also promising you that we will always will be together in everything.

We will never let any misunderstanding do us apart said Riya .

even if it's happen we will always disscus it in this room only and will solve it okay ! said Rahul  and kissed her forehead and she smiled at him and he hugged her .

Whenever he took her in his embrace she just don't want came out of his embrace , as it has become like her new favourite spot to stay. When she was in her thinking Rahul said ,

And also i am not letting go anywhere from now on , you are not going anywhere leaving me , whenever I came from office or wherever I want you to be the first person present front of me until it's not any urgent situation you have to be there okay!, he said very possessively and hugged her tight .

At his statement Riya missed a heartbeat as it was all new for her she had never been in a relationship. So Rahul being this much mad for her  was not helping her. she was very happy she never thought that she will get someone this caring like Rahul .

Cool down i am not going anywhere, she said and looked at him, he again kissed her forehead and told her to change as it was already late and they were already very tired and then they sat their having talks about their new relationship. Riya also didn't protest as she knew he also had to go to the office and all .

Also For Rahul it was all new he had been never been into any girl as he never find genuine whenever they wanted to talk or have him as friend there was always been a different motives behind their cheeky smiled and all as Rahul, karan, and salil were very famous and was from wealthy and we'll known families so they always tried to pursue them to have friendship they both were okay with that but Rahul was different case .

And now when he has his wife whom he has got very attached in the very short span of time and she is the only girl who made his heart to miss it's beat he has got very touched to her.

Unknown to both of them they had already fall in love. 💕

After getting fresh they went to sleep finding solace in eachothers arms.

Next morning when Riya woked up Rahul wasn't there as it was his schedule to wake up early and do exercise and then getting ready for office and all , so she get up from the bed had bath and wore a red colour saree and came out of the closet and set the bed and did casual makeup and went to the kitchen, and find her mil already present there she went to her and touched her feet to get her blessings . And mrs.kundra kissed her forehead.

Maa what can I help you with? She asked enthusiastically.

No beta nothing we are already done with everything so don't worry.

What you already made everything, why didn't you waited for me . am i late today she asked her and tried find wall clock when she find she again said .

No maa i am on time only then how came you made already, you don't have to do it maa until I am here .

Are re re stop let me explain first , i didn't do anything here it was shobha who made it all , i am just boiling tea here as just came here , and let me tell you you don't have get tention about kitchen things, okay i will handle it very well you just do what you want to in your career okay. I am not that mother in-law who will beat her daughter in law, because she didn't did household works and they all laughed.

I know maa but until, i start my work please i will help you okay .she said and mrs.kundra agreed .

After sometime everyone has came to the dining table and started having breakfast and as they all were done Everyone went to their respective rooms to get ready for the day.

Then riya also went to her room as they had fixed that Riya will always choose his clothes for him . So she went to their walk in closet to choose his clothes and Rahul was sitting on the couch as he was having look at his   some works in the laptop, till then riya also hanged his chosen clothes to the hanger in front of dresser and other things also she settled on the bed for him to easy access.

Actually it wasn't even needed because Rahul being neat freak ,his every thing was settled very neatley. So he Don't have to struggle for his thing,but she like helping him in his little little things and Rahul also liked her being this enthusiastic for doing his work so he also didn't object her . After sometime he got ready and leaved for his office after giving her his mom and his little princess forehead kiss.

So here we are done with our twenty-sixth chapter.

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