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It's been a week Rahul has gone to thiland they used to talk on video calls and will talked to the time when one of them will sleep while talking, and it was always Riya who will sleep first .

She was very upset after Rahul's departure, she couldn't even make herself to sleep without him as she has used to sleep in his arms, so whenever they will video call she would sleep , listening to his voice , atleast that will be better than nothing.

When Rahul went to Thailand , on first day Rahul was very busy so couldn't call her , and didn't received her call so she cried herself to sleep, when he got to know that next day then he didn't miss to call her everyday after that day .

Now it's evening time and Riya was sitting in there room balcony after coming back from her NGO , looking at the clearing from there.

She then picked up her phone from the table and was watching their images then it strucked her that the day after Tomorrow is their six months anniversary.

After realising this her eyes welled up with unshed tears as she was thinking that they won't be together for their six months anniversary, actually it wasn't that much important as it wasn't there yearly anniversary but right now she is finding everything emotional because he isn't beside her .

As she was crying here her sil sanvi entered in her room and called her name,

Bhabhi... Bhabhi , she instantly wiped her tears and called her .

Yessss ...  Coming but before that sanvi went in balcony. And sat with her there , showing her some plants picture to cheered up riya's mood .

After Rahul went away everyone could noticed that Riya is showing them she is ok but she wasn't so everyone from the will try to make her happy will do something for her even little princess also .

She came to her to play with her , will keep her busy with her in free time . Her FIL, or BIL will take them late night ice cream party, and ladies of the family will make her do their favourite dishes so while cooking she will got distracted, or they will make something of her favorites , they would do night outs having movies marathon, she was very glad that she got such a caring and loving family.

After watching some plants they decided what type of plants they wants to plant and went to Gardner to tell him to brought the plants.

After coming back from the garden they went to the kitchen to joined their mom and start making Eve snacks and tea as it was time for everyone from the family to came .

In thiland

Here in Thailand Rahul's situation wasn't any different, he would always miss her , but he just couldn't go back without completing his work here , it was first time that he was thinking about something else other than his work.

first day when he went there he was busy and couldn't make her any call,but he saw her next day he understands that she had cried very bad , so he would always call her atleast a day because he don't want her to cry because of him.

She didn't told him but he has started understanding her Very well, he just wanted to go ASAP back to India . To his serenity.

She is like his home,sanity, soul , life , his everything without her could functioned.

He would devote himself to the work whole day but when comes to have meals he won't dare to miss it ,as his sweetheart has warn him .

Whenever he will fill fatigue only by looking at her pics his mood will cheered up.

Right also he is in the meeting with his foreign deligates they are discussing the problem they were about the hotel construction, and now after Rahul came here they had solved it very fluently.

Rahul is having big smile on his face as he had succeed in his work and soon he will leave to meet his wife.

After coming from the meeting he informed his PA to made all arrangements for their return and went to the hotel to get freshup as he is leaving by midnight flight so after having his dinner now he is talking on call with Riya.

So you're coming back tomorrow na ? She asked him excitedly as he informed her he solved the they were facing in construction.

Actually no sweetheart,i am not coming now but in the next 2-3days i will be there i promise right now i have just solved the problem only but there are something more , i have to pay my attention to there also.

He told her to tease her as he wants to surprise her by going there .

By then her mood also had become sad and she didn't said anything to him,so he said to cheer her ,

Arreyyy don't get sad now , you have been staying without me for 8 days now it's just the matter of some more days . He said suppressing his laugh.

He was imagining her reaction when she will saw him tomorrow in home early morning.

She just hummed to his words and after then they had some more talks about something and hung up .

She was sad that he didn't remember there six months anniversary and just went to sleep.

He Just slumped on the bed on his back and smiled looking at riya's pic and by kissing her pic said .

I love you ❤️😘

It was midnight and  he take off to the India having a content smile on his face to meet his wife.

After around 5 hours he land on the Mumbai airport and went to the car which was waiting for him .

Wait for me sweetheart, i will be there very soon and went towards his home.

Here we are done with our Thirty - fifth chapter.

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