I got a shooter and I got a driver pt2

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Emira is sitting in the break room, scrolling through her phone when she overhears her colleagues talking about a paternity test.

COLLEAGUE 1 Did you hear about that paternity test we got in today?

COLLEAGUE 2 Yeah, I heard it was from an anonymous source. Do we even know who the father is?

Emira's ears perk up at the mention of the paternity test. She quickly finishes her drink and excuses herself from the break room, knowing she needs to investigate further.



Emira sneaks into the lab room where the paternity test results are kept. She quickly finds the file and checks the date - it was done almost 2 months ago. She sees the DNA of the person they were testing and realizes it matches Saweetie's.

EMIRA (to herself) What does this mean?

She takes out the strand of hair from her pocket and tests it against the DNA on the paternity test - it's a match. But when she looks at the father's name, Robin, she finds no matches in the database. This suggests that Saweetie may be pregnant and the father is not a public figure.

Emira quickly leaves the lab room, feeling both excited and nervous about what she's discovered. She knows she needs to tell Nicki.



Nicki is driving home from the studio when she receives a FaceTime call from Emira.

NICKI Hey girl, what's up?

EMIRA (voice shaking) Nicki, I found something.

NICKI What did you find?

EMIRA It's about Saweetie. I found a paternity test that matches her DNA, but the father's name is Robin and there are no matches in the database.

NICKI (pause) That means she's pregnant. And she's been keeping it a secret.

EMIRA Exactly.

Nicki's mind starts racing with possibilities - who could this Robin be? Is he involved in Saweetie's disappearance?

NICKI We need to find out who this Robin is. And we need to find Saweetie.

EMIRA I'm with you. Let's do this.

The two women end the call and Nicki drives home with a newfound sense of determination to get to the bottom of this mystery.

The two women end the call and Nicki drives home with a newfound sense of determination to get to the bottom of this mystery

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