Chapter 14

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Narrator's pov

Armando got out of the meeting room to see that he got a call from his father. So he walked towards the car with his son's and sat in. His phone got connected with his car Bluetooth and he dialed his dad's no. Phone rang for few seconds and his father picked it up.
They explained their situation that they were stuck in traffic for very long time but now they'll reach home within 20 minutes.
By hearing that everyone in the car looked at each other and then Armando explained his situation to them as well. Now all they were in dismay as they are not sure if the other two boys are with Hazel or not. They both disconnected the call and his father called Edwaldo now but he didn't picked it so as with Niccolo.

After 25 mins both the cars entered the gate and they all got out and quickly entered the house to check the situation. As they entered they hear a pin drop silence. They checked the main living area but no one was there. They called Mia, their helper, and inquired about Hazel but she said no knew saw her. Now they were very confused so Alford called Fedrick, he too said that he left her inside the house exactly around 1 pm. It had been whole 2 hours since she arrived and they all hoping that she is with one of the younger two boys.

They called the boys again but only Edwaldo picked the call and said he have been asleep. They called Mia again to find Niccolo and tell him to come downstairs.
Everyone was worried about the whole situation now. Both Edwaldo and Niccolo came downstairs to main living room to see the tension in the room. Gabriele asked Niccolo about Hazel and when he saw the time clock in living room he knew he fucked up bad. Edwaldo asked what happened so Santino filled them up with whole situation.

Then Genoveva decided to go check in the kitchen but as she entered in their family living area she saw something so cute that she couldn't help but smile at it and took a picture in her phone. With a smile on her face she again went towards the main living area and called everyone to follow her, they all were completely confused to Genoveva's reaction. When they all entered behind her they could finally understand why Genoveva was smiling so bright.

 When they all entered behind her they could finally understand why Genoveva was smiling so bright

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They found whole situation so adorable that they didn't even want to disturb her.
However, Genoveva suddenly got angry and turned towards the younger two boys and said in very angry tone " because of you two idiots my sweet girl had to sleep like this without even eating anything. Moreover, do you both even know when she arrived? How would you idiota know as one was busy playing and other sleeping. This is such a disrespect to our guest that we all have showed today. Not only these two but we all did."

They all felt very ashamed that moment. Genoveva went towards the sleeping beauty, she creased her hair and tried to wake her up but she was in deep sleep. She creased her hand to her face to show affection but she felt it abnormally hot. She called Achille to check her in worried tone which again caught everyone off guard.

Achille checked her forehead with the back of his hand and felt it hot. He quickly went in his office to get a first aid kit and took out the thermometer to check her temperature. Her temperature was quite high so he called Mia to bring cold water in bowl, a cloth, and some cold packs. Now their cat was awake too because of all this hustle. Taking this opportunity Achille picked her in bridal style in his arms to carry her in the guest bedroom. Everyone followed behind them in the room as well. Achille placed her on the bed very gently and asked his nonno to help him remove her jacket. Then he lay her down and placed the cold wet cloth on her forehead to reduce her temperature. He then passed the cold pack to his nonno and asked her to place it under her back and he himself started to put the other two in her underarms. As he did that he saw his nonno was froze and asked her what happened? This got everyone's attention shifted to Genoveva now. She didn't spoke anything but pointed towards her back.

On the clue Armando came behind her and shifted her hair to get the clear view. His eyes bulged out at the horrifying scene at her back. There were a lot of scars on her upper back, some of them were old craved words and some old long scars as if she was hit by a leash or belt. Now everyone saw that and had one thing stuck in their mind " Who did that?"

Genoveva traces the scars with her fingers and said to no one in particular " I want each and every single about her by next 48 hours". Armando and his sons nodded because they knew this time it's not their nonno who ordered them, it's the x- donna of Italian mafia. "One more thing, no one will ask her anything about it or even give her a slightest idea that we know something. Va bene?" She ordered and everyone said yes and got out of room to get to the work Genoveva asked them to do because if they don't they have to bear great consequences even Armando.

Now, only Achille, his nonno and nonna were in the room. Alford held his wife hand and kissed her forehead. He could see that she is very worried about Hazel even he was.

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