Chapter 19

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I know that when monkeys speak we humans can't understand what they are saying or communicating with each other

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I know that when monkeys speak we humans can't understand what they are saying or communicating with each other. Then how is it possible that we all can understand this monkey pretty well.
After his wonderful answer everyone kept looking at me for some response. I hate attention and right now I'm getting too much of it.

"Umm... yeah....I do... but it's just part time thing".
"But how did you do it?" Asked Gabriele
"Do what"
"This whole programming thing. Also how old are you again? And you work at the bakery, right? Isn't it too much for you? Don't mind but I'm just curious."

I just smiled and looked at him straight in his eyes because somehow he just unknowingly pushed my buttons. I hate it when people underestimate me just because I'm 16. Also, I wanted to convey my message as clear as day to him as I'm looking in his eyes.

"Well Mr. Gabriele Barone I was very little when I realised that if I wanted to live a peaceful life and not spend my rest of the living on road then I have to work hard. You are sitting here today on this table which was already there when you were born am I right?" And he nodded in agreement.
"Well I had to buy it. I had to work to put roof on my head. Also if you are offended by my big mouth I won't apologize."
"And why's that?" Asked Gabriele.
"Because you living this luxurious life with your family which I'm sure they had worked their ass off, is your reality and I on the other hand who am only person with no background, who doesn't even know if her parents are alive or not? Who don't even know if her parents left her at orphanage because they didn't want me or because they couldn't afford living with a child. So, I won't apologise because this is my reality."

As I'm done talking Genoveva stood up and walked towards me. I thought she's angry and now she's gonna slap me hard for what I said but she took my hand made me stand and then hugged me hard. I felt like I couldn't breathe but somehow I was feeling good. This hug was full of love. "You are most beautiful and incredibly strong girl that I've met. Never ever let any idiot change you. Okay?" She said looking at me I too smiled at her in response.
"She's right. Never change." Said Gabriele.
"Well, I wish that too but this is getting too much serious now so I'm going to save you from this situation." Nicoolo butted in.
"And how you gonna do it?" I inquired
"Well, you can join me in my game room, we can spend time there away from these oldies. What you say?"
Hey!!!!!!!! Said everyone on the table.
"Hmmm...." I put my forefinger on my chin then tapped it a gesture that I'm thinking and said "after thinking long about it, my answer is no."
Niccolo's jaw dropped at my answer and he asked " why"
"A lot of reasons; first, I know very well that you haven't showered yet not even washed your face.
How do you know that?
Well, I can clearly see that droll on your face that hasn't been wiped since you woke up. I'm pretty sure this is every day thing for you. Secondly, you need to stop eating like a hungry pig, you going to choke some day. Thirdly, have you seen your nails they are so dirty. When was the last time you trimmed it? Last but not the least, if you are so unhygienic then I don't even want to think about that room too."

By the time I ended my reasoning everyone was laughing hard and Niccolo was looking at me like an angry bull.
"Well said Hazel, I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices these things." Said Armando.

And that's how my day went by with little but of teasing with all the boys. Some quality time with all of them especially Genoveva. After dinner I said my goodbyes to everyone which was kind of hard for me. Now, laying down on my bed here I look back in my past when I was a adopted as a kid I always wished that I could have a huge family where I could get to eat and play with my siblings everyday, where I had loving parents and grandparents; just like Barone's. Today with them all I felt alive again, loved again, cared for again even it is just for a day.

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