Chapter 32

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It's funny that when you wish to find about the answer to all the questions or truth for something so eagerly until now but when your wish is granted and the proof is right in front of your eyes you are scared to to find out the outcome

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It's funny that when you wish to find about the answer to all the questions or truth for something so eagerly until now but when your wish is granted and the proof is right in front of your eyes you are scared to to find out the outcome. You are scared that how it will affect your life, your future.

I had received the email about two hours ago but my hands are shaking. I'm scared to death of knowing the truth. I wish I had someone with me right now who could help me but unfortunately I'm alone so I have to do it myself. So gathering up all my courage I took my phone and opened the email. As I read the results my heart is almost in my mouth. The result match between party A and party B matches to 99.999%.

I felt as if my whole world have stopped right now. I was feeling numb inside right now. Does that mean Armando is really my father? Does that mean Eleanora is my mother? Do I have a family now who doesn't know about me? Nonno and nana are my real grandparents? And I have 5 brothers now. It was hard for me to process the information now.

Now that I know the truth, how will I face all of them? As I'm questioning myself about all this suddenly I remember the conversation that I had with Armando yesterday. They can't have a girl in their family. I know that the mafia tend to have a lot of enemies but am I really such a weakness for them? I don't know what to do right now. Will I ever be able to tell them the truth? All these thoughts and questions were messing up with my brain. I kept staring at the screen as if my staring will change something now.

Narrator's pov:

You must have heard this saying "It the calm before the storm", well that's what it looked like now.

Yesterday when Achille came from his work he got the new from Niccolo that Hazel have left. He was unhappy with the news and disappointed in himself and Santino as to why he didn't stop him from yelling at Hazel. On the other hand, when Santino arrived home in the evening he got to know that Hazel is not home and left in the morning. He knew that somehow he is the reason why she left. He wanted to call her but he thought of giving her some space and he'll bring her back tomorrow himself.

Next morning everyone was having breakfast at the table when Lorenzo arrived. They all forgot about giving him some assignment but only remembered when they saw him.

"Buongiorno everyone" he chimes.
"Boungiorno fratello, you seems happy today." Gabrielle stated
"Well, it's not everyday that you hear some exciting news." Lorenzo replied.
"Have some Lorenzo first, then you all can discuss your work." Genoveva said
"Alright nana."

After the breakfast everyone sat in Armando's office as Lorenzo requested them to. All the Barone's were confused as to why does he want all the family here.

"Alright Lorenzo, what have you found that required everyone's presence here." Alford questioned him.
"Nonno, I have have a lot to tell you all today. Few bad news and few good too."
"Let here the bad one first." Armando spoke.
"Ummm... with all due respect zio(uncle) Armanzo I'd like to tell you in a story, it will be good that way so I can tell you all the truth that have been hidden from us till now."

Now his words were giving everyone a little stress. Still, everyone nodded their heads to agree with him.
"Also, if I'm bringing someone in our conversation please don't get upset with me, remember I'm giving you all the truth that I've found. Va bene?"
"Yes." Everyone responded
"Okay then, let's go 17 years back. Zio Armando we all know you're history between you and your wife. Again please listen to me first before saying anything. We all in this room know that zia Eleanora made a mistake and because of that she was thrown out of this family. Right?"
All of them nodded but confused as to why he is asking about Eleanora.

"And you all also know that when she was thrown out of this family she was pregnant."
"What.... !!!!!" all the brothers said it in unison. They all were shocked to hear this.
"Yes, she was carrying a child when she was left and they knew." Lorenzo spoke.
"She was carrying that bastards child. She was the one who cheated on me. I did the right thing." Armando spoke in his defence.

"Zio Armando, please listen to me first. I know now you all have so many questions but let me finish first then you'll know all the things.
So, as I said she was carrying a child and after she left no one knew were she went after that till now except zio Armando. Am I right?"
"Yes" Armando agreed with him.
"Now coming to Hazel, she was born on October 28, 2007 in small village called Leavenworth."
As Lorenzo spoke that name Armando looked at him with shock.
"She was sent to the local orphanage after 2 months because she was a pre-mature baby so they had to keep her in hospital till she gets better. And I guess you know that her mother died right after she gave birth to her. After that she was sent with her first foster home but was back soon in orphanage because they found out that Hazel was being neglected. Then she was again adopted by another family but they was just greedy as first one plus she had witness some abuse just the age of 5 or 6. Then again she was sent back to orphanage. It happened again 2-3 times but as per my findings she had some horrible experiences of abuse with her in last two foster homes."

Lorenzo stopped for few seconds for all the family members to process the information. And he again spoke.

"It was soon after her last foster home, when she was back at the orphanage, she ran from their. The truth about that is still unknown. Since then she have been living on her own. No friends no family. I was so shocked to find that she have completed some advanced studies. One thing that confuses me that if she have PHD in coding and programming then why is she working in a bakery. She can legally work anywhere with that degree even if she is 16."
"Things are not adding up Lorenzo. You started your story with something and now ending it with something else." Edwaldo interrupted.
"Who said I'm done..... now you must be having this confusion so let me ask one question and I know one person in this room will know that answer for sure...... Zio Armando why were you so shocked when told you that Hazel was born in Levanworth?"

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