Poor Dragon...

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So in my life, I've made a wide variety of friends from 1st-4th grade, and managed to stay friends with them. One of them was a fellow dork turned popular girl I call Sunflower. She is fully aware I call her this online because I have called her this in real life as well.

The reason I'm telling you this is because another popular girl has entered my life, and I...



We'll call her Sugar, because she has been NOTHING but sweet to me. And honestly that's what scares me.

Sugar enjoys asking get-to-know-you questions. But her favorite kind of questions involve people's love lives...

Such as...

My love life.

Now, in my science class, there are various people I know, such as Esel (screw him and his shitty attitude), Cat, Jacket, MJ, Deity, and- my pal from 8th grade- Dragon. There was also Bus, but he's a transphobic asshole that only deserves to get mentioned ONCE. Don't expect me to talk about him again.

Dragon's a cool dude. And in 8th grade, he was famous for having a curly mullet. He cut it, but now it's back. Also, keep in mind, he's very tall. Like- I'd like to say 6'7. He's tall. This is important for later.

When I first met Sugar, she asked me about my relationship status. It was before I started crushing on a certain someone, so I responded with; "I'm a single Pringle that wants to mingle."

She understood, and then decided to search through all the guys in our class to see what my type was.

"How about him?" She pointed at Deity.

"No." I said.

"Him?" She pointed at MJ, who I barely knew at the time.


"Him?" She pointed at Dragon.


"How about him?" She pointed at Esel.

"Ew, dear god no!" I almost gagged.





"Him?" She pointed at Dragon again.




"What about him?" She pointed at Dragon... Again.

"Dude I already said no." I said to her.

"Why not?"

"Because I see him as a platonic friend." I said calmly.

Sugar looked at me confused.

"What does... 'Platonic' mean..?" She asked.

Internally I thought;
THIS GWORL! She's a freshman in high school and she DOESN'T know what platonic means? REALLY!?

I was so dumbfounded. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah, what's it mean?"

I sighed.
"You know how you love your parents, cousins, and siblings..?"


"That's platonic love. I see Dragon as a platonic friend, so if I loved him, it would be like loving a brother."

"Oooohhh I get it!" She said with a smile.

Fast forward to a week after Christmas break. We move seats, and I wound up sitting next to Sugar again.

Since then, she's been asking me and our new table mate some more relationship status questions.

She also asked me some of the same questions she asked him because I had to outright tell her I was bi. I don't know how anyone could think I'm straight. Like- Have you seen me!? I don't look all that straight. I kinda fit into the bisexual stereotype.

One day, she was talking to Dragon about something, and I was zoning out while they were doing so.

"Hey Shadowleaper." Sugar had her head resting on her arm and looked at me in an adoring way.

I look at her, "Hah?"

"I think he was flirting with you." She said in a 70's-interpretation-of-a-teenager like voice.

GWORL! I wasn't even part of the conversation! What the hell do you mean by "I think he was flirting with you"!?

I just looked at her for a solid minute before saying, "I don't think so..."

Now the day after the next, our table mate was absent, so she had Dragon answer her questions in his place.

"So Dragon, what's your type?" She asked.

"Uh... I like girls taller than me." He said proudly.

"Okay." She turned to me, "Shadowleaper, what about you?"

"I don't have a preference for guys but, I'd have to agree with Dragon on this one. Tall girls are hot as hell." I said.

A bit after that, Dragon left to talk to his other friends.

Then Sugar turned to look at me again, rested her head on her hand again, and went, "He calls you 'his girl' online."

Now, I was gonna say; "Bro the f**k do you mean!?" But instead...

"Pfffftttt hahahahaha..."

I thought laughing as a response to something like that only happened in movies... Apparently not! I laughed.

Now, I'm thinking about it, and thinking "poor Dragon", because he's being shipped with a horror game loving dingus.

And if the "calls you his girl" and "flirting with you" thing's true, then sorry man. I just don't like ya that way. But that won't stop me from being your friend! MUAHAHAHAHAHAA!

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