I threw up

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It's April 3rd, 2023, 10:44pm.

I'm in the attendance office at my school, documenting the events that lead to this moment...

-April 2nd 5:03pm

I was feeling kinda hungry, so I made myself a bowl of oatmeal. Mom's out with her friends so-

"I'm home!"

Never mind. She's back.

"What're you eating?" She asked.


"So I'm guessing I'm not gonna make you a dinner tonight?" She sounded disappointed.


-a few hours later

"Hey, you hungry for dinner?" She called from the kitchen.

"Nope!" I called back.

Abbi, our dog, let out a "Rooo!"

"Can Abbi have your dinner?"

"HAH! No!"

- April 3rd, 8:00am

Huh..? What time is it..?

I grabbed my ringing phone and-
(At my school late start Mondays start at 8:40 and I usually bike during warmer weather. It's a 20-25 minute bike ride.)

"Mom! Get up!" I whisper-yelled, "You're gonna have to drive me today!"

"Mmmmpf... Okay..."

I panicked, brushed my teeth, put on deodorant, got dressed, brushed my hair, packed my Chromebook, and threw on my jacket!

I'm late! I'm late! I'm late! I'm hungry! I'm late! I'm late!

"I'm setting up the car!" I said to mom as I grabbed the keys.


I ran out, unlocked the car and waited for my mom to finish up.

Just then, my stomach felt uncomfortably empty.

Aahhh shit! If I woke up to my first few alarms, I would've had time to eat! STUPID!

- 9:twenty-something am

Aw man... I don't feel that well...

"Hey Frau..?"

Frau looked at me. "Yes Shadowleaper?"

"Could I use the bathroom?" I asked softly.

"Oh, sure. Are you okay? You look pail..."

"Yeah... I'm fine... maybe..." I mumbled.

I light-headedly walked to the bathroom, feeling myself do those "I'm about to puke" hiccups.

I didn't puke by the time the bell rang, so I rushed to Deutsch Klasse, grabbed my backpack, and hurried to Art.

- 9:forty-something

"Hey, you alright?" The girl across from me asked.

I grumbled negatively in response.


- A few minutes later...

I sat in the bathroom, very nauseous, hiccuping occasionally, but not puking.

This lasted for most of 2nd hour.

It's probably almost time for next hour. I should head back down and grab my things so I don't wind up late... Can't be late for math class... Don't want to be late for math class...

I got up, got hit with a wave of "haha you're blind for 3 seconds" vertigo, and headed back downstairs to grab my things.

I was lucky there were about five minutes left in class, but when I started walking up the stairs to head to my 3rd hour, I felt like I was gonna puke again, this time for real!

So I scurried to the bathroom, closed myself in a stall, grabbed the seat and-

I didn't puke.

But I did feel significantly worse.

I nauseously hobbled down the stairs to 3rd hour, and saw Mr. Ace hold out his "cards of fate".

I got a 2.

Before we could get up to do the "let's see which table of random people gets these equations right" I walked over to Mr. Ace.

"Hey... I'm not feeling to well... Can I head to the nurses office..?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Yeah, sure. Just know I'm gonna have to mark you absent." Mr. Ace said, handing me tonight's assignment.

I nodded and mumbled out a sorry.

Sorry for what, Shadowleaper from a few minutes ago? Feeling sick?

I headed to the attendance office, which was connected to the clinic, and gave my story.

I felt nauseous, on the verge of puking, most likely because I didn't eat.

"Okay, would you like a granola bar. It's got some sugar, if that'll help." The attendance/clinic lady asked me.

I shook my head. "No, I don't think I can stomach sugar right now..."

"Alright. We have some juice. Can you drink that?" She asked sweetly.

I nodded.

I figured sipping on some juice might help me out a bit.

The second she left the room the hiccups came back and...

"Oh no..."

I quickly reached for the trash can, sat on the (kinda uncomfortable) clinic mattress, and hugged the can and...

I puked up stomach acid...


Did that two more times...

The front desk lady witnessed my pathetic state and went. "Awwwee poor little thing..."

I hated that. She made it sound like I was a toddler who threw up. Not a teenager. The shameful feeling of throwing up didn't help with that either.

And so there I sat. Sipping on apple juice, waiting for my mom to pick me up from school and writing this story out on my phone.

-Months later, AKA May 4th

I'm sorry I didn't finish writing this.

When my mom brought me home, she made me scrambled eggs and toast.

I threw up the eggs.


Then I carefully ate the toast.

The next day I was perfectly fine.

It was just a little stomach bug.

Either that or I ate an almond while I was stressed.

(Note to self: eat more spicy food. It's good for your immune system.)

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