My Brain

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I'm bored and I haven't added anything to this book in a while... So I'mma just tell you guys some of my most random out of the blue pulled out from the dephs of hell short stories and random thoughts I have.

The internet thinks I'm a fat old lady who vapes and needs Jesus. (FR the amount of J-witness adds I get is scary)

My buddy Jacket is in the process of owning a mustache and I think that's cool. Gotta apreciate a good mustache-in-progress. Also, the reason I call him Jacket is because he always wears this brown jacket. I've never seen him without it so far... What's he gonna do when the MI bipolar weather kicks in and it starts heating up again? Will he tosss it in the freezer overnight? Will he shove ice packs down his sleeves? Is he secretly a lizard and simply uses the jacket to keep warm? Or will he just take off the jacket when it gets too hot? I dunno. I'll have to ask him.

Gdjdj (someone who SEXUALLY HARASSED me online) attempted to appologise for being a dick wad to me. I told him I'd forgive him if he'd show improvement in atitude. As I was waiting for him to prove he's no longer going to be a jerk, I started sending him any Rick Roll that popped up on my Insta Reels. One day he asked me why the hell I was doing this... And I said something like: "You chose to threat me... You made your first mistake by trying to bring me down, and now you are reaping the consequences of your actions. I will never give up... And neither will Rick Astley..."

I wonder what's wrong with me sometimes... And why people lie to me about nothing being wrong with me... Clearly there is! Otherwise... Why do I keep getting left behind and forgotten..? There's gotta be something wrong with me. Too many people have ignored me for them to be the problem... I'm doing something wrong...


How many people that I know IRL have read this..? If so, it's okay if you show yourself. I'm fully aware this is online and public and people are going to read this like it's some knock-off not-so-psycopathic Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I won't get snippy if y'all read this. There are more personal things that very few people know about me that I ain't gonna put on here. They're secrets I'll take to the fiftieth grave...

Sometimes I forget Morris is dead... I cried last night because of it... I miss that tsundere asshole of a cat! He'd sleep either on my lap, or next to my face! He always wanted to press forheads while I was eating! He was a playful muscle cat with a shitty sence of humor! He hung out with me while I played video games! He lived to be about nine years old! He'd ask to drink cold water out of the bathtub faucet! I miss him! I want my cat back...

How come people get pissy at me for inturupting them all the time, but then later continue to cut me off in the middle of my sentences!? And when I try to resume what I was saying, they KEEP cutting me off! WHAT THE HELL!?

My Grandpeeps (mom's dad) is super Trump supporter racist transphobic homophobic. When the Bud-Light pride can thing came out, I sent him a meme I made about it cuz he threw a temper tantrum over it.

He said "It's not the can, it's the evil it represents

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He said "It's not the can, it's the evil it represents." so I said "How's a rainbow evil..?" So he followed up with, "You do not have the maturity or understanding to discuss this issue so just leave it alone." He's acting like I'm a todler asking what the holocaust was. "Is it because I'm not 21 yet..?" Lol cuz in the U.S. you have to be 21+ to legally drink alcohol.
"It's the evil it represents"!? BAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAH! Guess I'm evil too then! #BiPride!

Just how many people out there look at me and think... "Yup. She's straight." Sorry, but I am fighting the urge to stare at any butt that crosses my line of sight, regardless of gender. Does that sound straight to you?

Inu Yasha has some queer representation and I love it. It's good representation too. Even that one gay villain was a goodie. He had a bian. (It's a Chinese chain whip sword, AKA my second favorite weapon.) It's nice to see some fun reps in a 2004 anime, ya know?

I wore my limited edition Bendy hoodie to school one day, and in fourth hour, while waiting for class to start, I was telling Jacket about how the day before a little kid recognised my hoodie and how happy it made me. He looked at my hoodie and said "Oh you got a new hoodie. I didn't notice that." Dude I had this thing for two months by then and I've been wearing it almost weekly how did you not notice?

Nothing haunts my nightmares more than Mike Myers in a cat costume... *Shivers*

I'm usulally very aware I'm dreaming when I'm in a dream. It's just that I play along with it. It's fun.


Scott Cawthon seems to gradually become more obsessed with pickles in his Fazbear Fights books... Are pickles on the list of things banned in Texas or something? Is he okay? Do us FNAF fans have to come down there with a giant jar of pickles or something?

I use fan art to practice my actual art style. One day, a certain someone looked over my shoulder while I was drawing and picked on my fan art, while I left for the bathroom, he rooted through MY sketch book and made fun of my art. It took me over a year to get comfortable drawing that kind of stuff again... He was a dick...

If any of you ever get the book Bunny Call, DO NOT- I repeat- DO NOT read Into the Flesh! I don't know WHAT website Cawthon was on when he decided to write that but I strongly sudgest you don't make the same mistake I did, and avoid reading it! It's not important to the main story! There aren't any major easter eggs or hints you'll miss! It's just- UGH! EW! NO! HELL TO THE FREDDY FAZ-F**K NO! DON'T READ IT! Just skip it! Please! I don't want another poor soul to be burdened with that kind of emotional trauma...

How many of you guys seen The Sandlot?

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