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Snow was falling across the town as Milena sat wrapped in a thick blanket, watching from behind frosted glass as perfect flakes of ice floated past the window, a yellow candle flickering beneath the glass making the house smell like freshly baked cookies.

It was just shy of ten o'clock and the home was finally quiet, only the sound of water droplets hitting the kitchen sink from the leaking tap echoed around the ground floor, the television paused halfway through an episode of Gilmore Girls.

Winter was a bittersweet time for Milena. Christmas was approaching and while she felt excited to celebrate with her family, there was an emptiness that made itself more known during the festive period than it did any other time of year, always adding a pinch of salt to what should've been a sugar-sweet holiday.

That particular evening, however, Milena felt happy. She found peace in the small moments, enjoying the way she could see the coloured lights of the small town centre in the distance, far away enough on the outskirts of the village to basque in the quiet but close enough to walk into soul-filled bars and coffee shops on lonelier days.

Life wasn't perfect for Milena, but in moments like that one as she watched the snow cover the driveway with a hot chocolate warming hands, she believed that for a second, it was.

She sipped her drink, licking away whipped cream from her lips before reaching for the remote control to resume watching her show, only a brisk knock at her front door made her freeze.

Nobody ever called that late at night, in fact, it was rare for anybody to call at all. Milena paused for a second, holding her breath as she listened out for a voice or some movement on the porch, only another harsh knock made her jump to her feet and edge cautiously towards the door.

With shaky hands, she pulled back the cover of the spyglass and pressed her face the door, careful to not so much as breathe as she peered out to get a look at the late night visitor.

"What the fuck?" She whispered to herself.

Narrowing her eyes, Milena took a second glance out onto her porch. A man stood in jeans and a torn shirt stood shivering on the deck, blood running down the side of his face and his clothes soaked through from the snow.

He knocked again, Milena watching as he took a step back and looked up at the house before glancing back over his shoulder, raising his fist to knock once more.

Milena had been naïve as a child, though circumstances changed as she matured and now, she held a questioned lens over her view of the world and everybody in it. Some people had made fun of the young woman for being so cautious, but her extra precautions had yet to let her down.

Grabbing a baseball bat from beside the coat stand, Milena slid the chain from the door and twisted both the locks, pulling the door open just a crack and wincing at the frost as it cut against her hot skin.

The man on the porch spun around on his heels, Milena immediately feeling her heart drop as she noticed more cuts and bruises down his arms and more blood seeping from his chest. His skin was white and lips almost blue from the cold, his arms cradling himself as he shivered.

"Honey, the bat isn't necessary, I promise."

His voice was rough and deep, though his eyes told a different story. Hazel like a dark sunset, he looked at her with not malicious intent, but a shadow of purity and sincerity, unfiltered kindness that put Milena somewhat at a subconscious ease, though not enough to let her guard slip.

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