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Tony woke up abruptly when he heard the faint cries of a child from the next room along. He'd drifted off to sleep without remembering having to lie with his eyes forced closed for the first time in what felt like forever, feeling completely relaxed and calm after his evening with Mila.

The two of them had decided to buy a couple more beers and make the most of the pretty view of Brooklyn Bridge underneath the stars before heading back to the Stark Tower. It was clear to Tony that Mila was besotted by the way New York looked that night, and while he was used to the famous skyline and everything the city had to offer, it seemed like a brand new place to him while he sat next to her on that bench.

Tony wasn't sure what was going to happen next after confessing what his heart felt to Mila earlier that evening, but he truthfully didn't care, feeling weightless now the pressure of suppressing such heavy feelings from her was gone, finally feeling like air could reach his lungs properly again.

They headed home just before one o'clock in the morning, both of them peeking their heads into the room Tristan and Peter were sleeping in, smiling as they saw the boys tucked up beneath the bedcovers. Tristan was star-fished across two-thirds of the bed which left Peter almost hanging off the edge, but they were both out like a light nevertheless.

After softly closing the door without waking the boys, Mila said Goodnight to Tony after taking one of his t-shirts to sleep in, heading down the hallway to a spare bedroom for the night. There was a huge part of her pining to follow him into his own room, the darkness of his suggestive gaze and the burning sensation of alcohol tickling her imagination making the decision all the more hard, though she ultimately felt a twist in her gut to stay alone.

Tony didn't object, more than happy to respect Mila's decision. Despite his mind driving him slowly but surely insane the longer there was some kind of distance between the two of them, the small steps they were taking were enough to keep Tony going.

When the crying snapped Tony out of his deep sleep, he propped himself up on his elbows while he tried to figure out whether the muffled sound was actually real or if it was a figment of his tired imagination. He paused for a moment, squinting through the darkness and rubbing his eyes with his knuckles before he heard a soft knock at his bedroom door.

Peter gently pushed open the door after Tony called out for him to come in, sleepily looking through the darkness while holding a sobbing Tristan by the hand.

"Sorry Tony, he woke up from a nightmare and won't calm down. He kept asking for you."

With a yawn and a stretch, Tony nodded and sat up properly, swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

"It's alright, get yourself back off to sleep, I'll take him. You're staying for breakfast in the morning, right?"

Peter cleared his throat, whispering quietly, "Yeah, yeah I'd love to stay for breakfast. Thanks, Tony."

"Get some sleep, kid," Tony whispered back before turning his attention to Tristan, beckoning him across to him once he flicked on his bedside lamp, "Come here you, what's the matter, hey?"

Peter closed the door and took himself back off to bed, leaving Tony and Tristan alone. The boy sleepily toddled across the floor with red cheeks and watery eyes, Rocket securely in his grip.

Tony picked up Tristan and sat him down beside him on the bed, looking down at him with a gentle smile on his face.

"Did you have a bad dream?"

The child just nodded, sniffling sadly to himself while staring down at the floor. He wasn't sobbing anymore but small tears trickled from his green eyes across his skin, a mellow feeling radiating from his timid posture and the inward turn of his small shoulders.

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