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Given that Mila almost never had a spare moment to sit down and do nothing, her plans for that Saturday didn't get put aside just because Tony had stepped back into her life.

After their conversation, they finished their coffee at the table before Mila headed back into the laundry room to finish what she'd started earlier that morning, telling Tony that he could keep himself busy by organising the garage or sweeping the leaves off of the porch.

It didn't feel strange to be telling Tony what to do, given that they'd been living together for more of the time that they'd known each other than they'd been apart, and as much as Mila kept reminding herself to stick to her guns and stay strong, she couldn't ignore how right things felt having him around her again.

The rest of the morning passed quickly and Tristan was due back later on that afternoon. Mila had expected him home earlier but Chris had text her saying that he was going to take the boys to the park since the sun had broken through the fog by midday, to which she thanked him again.

After being so caught up in her household chores, Mila almost forgot that Tony had been outside for over an hour, remembering only when she saw his jacket thrown over the arm of the sofa.

She wandered out onto the porch, her hand on the doorframe when she saw Tony stood down by the end of the house, a phone to his ear as he paced back and forth, running a hand through his hair as he spoke.

"Look, I'll ask her. I'm sure it'll be fine but I just need to make sure, so can you-"

"Ask me what?"

Tony spun round on his heels when he heard Mila's voice behind him. He stared at her blankly for a moment, eyes wide and lips slightly parted in shock since he didn't hear the front door open.

Mila raised a brow, giving him a look that urged him to just spit out whatever it was he needed to ask her.

"Well," Tony cleared his throat, still holding the phone by his ear, "I'm just talking to Peter and given the situation, our situation, he was just wondering if maybe you wouldn't mind if he stayed here for a little while?"

Mila blinked, swallowing hard as she listened to Tony. She hadn't expected to have yet another immensely important conversation so soon again that day, but since meeting Tony, Mila knew that nothing was ever to really be expected.

"Can I have the phone, please?"

Tony immediately walked over to her and handed her his phone, staying silent as he kept the gap between them smaller, standing still by her side with his arms crossed intensely at his chest, head tilted as he listened in on the conversation.

"Peter? Hey, how are you?"

In a lot of ways, leaving behind Peter in New York City was harder than leaving Tony. Peter was an innocent party in the whole ordeal and didn't deserve to lose a family he'd just found, especially after losing his own already.

The guilt ate Mila alive as she wondered day and night if Peter would be fine without her, if she was doing the right thing by leaving him, if he would cope without her motherly support and love.

A secret between the two of them, Mila and Peter had spoken several times over the phone since leaving New York, Mila finding herself unable to sleep without knowing if the boy was alright or not. At least with Tony, Mila could cling onto their miscommunication or lack of understanding to fuel her disengagement and anger towards him, but with Peter, all she felt was love.

"I'm great, listen I'm sorry for asking, if it's too much trouble I totally understand. I just really miss you guys and I was thinking that I've never really lived in a proper house with a backyard and a porch, you know? I've never had my whole family together and felt what a real Christmas is like or...anyway, I figured since I can do my classes online that I could make it all work. Of course I'd get a job and help with the bills, buy groceries and-"

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