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Mila had been anxious the entire day since Tony had left the house early yesterday morning, knowing that he and the rest of the team were making their way back over to Illinois to find out what state her hometown was in.

There was no longer any coverage on the news and the talk of the incident had seemingly diminished into nothing, which ultimately gave Mila a sense of security hoping that everybody was fine back at home.

Despite that, she also knew that there had to be something going on, something deeper than journalists and broadcasters could get their hands on, something only a team like The Avengers had the means to know about.

Mila had gone to sleep with a peaceful heart the evening before, her reassuring talk with Tony after a moment of weakness caused by Tristan's behaviour had worked wonders at calming her down again. She was thankful for his kind words and his actions has cemented in her mind that regardless of how much she considered herself a burden to him, he really did care about her.

Tristan was sat watching cartoons on the sofa when Mila's phone rang, making the young mother jump out of her skin at the sudden sound.

She grabbed it from the coffee table and walked through into the kitchen, out of earshot of her son. Her thumb was hovering above the accept icon when she looked at the caller ID, feeling her throat close up at the name on the screen.

Mila debated with herself for a moment before answering the phone and holding it to her ear, trying her hardest to settle her shallow breathing and unsteady hand.


"Mila? Mila is that you? Are you alright? A-and Tristan?"

She swallowed hard, blinking quickly before speaking, "Yes, we're fine. Are you? Listen I-"

"I'm fine, we were all held in custody for what felt like forever until some of us were let go. I don't know how they decided who but I know only a couple of us are out. It wasn't the FBI or CIA, wasn't the state police, either. Anyway, I just wanted to call and make sure you were alright? I called by your house but your car was gone and nobody was home, are you sure you're safe?"

Mila wasn't sure what to say. There were endless versions of the truth speculating against one another inside her head and while she trusted Tony in her gut, her heart bled for Joss and their lifelong friendship.

"We're safe."

"Where are you? Do you need me to come and get you and bring you home or-"

"No, no we're fine."

"Are you with him? Did he take you? Has he hurt you? I swear if I see that guy again I'll-"

"Joss." Mila said his name firmly, cutting off his incessant rambling that had only stirred a quicker beating of her heart, "I was scared, and I took Tristan and we left town for a while, alone. I don't know what's going on with HYDRA and your police department but I-"

"Mila I would never have hurt you, or Tristan. You know that, right? I love that kid and I'd do anything to see you guys happy after what happened to you, do you not trust me?"

Mila had a desperate urge to have faith in Joss, an almost paralysing feeling of guilt at shutting out somebody she'd have trusted with her life for all the years she'd known him, but while her safety was one thing, there wasn't anything she'd do to risk her son's.

"I have to keep us safe, and right now, that's exactly what I'm doing. I-if I'm wrong and all of this blows over, I'll owe you a huge apology and I'll be more than happy to give you that."

There was a silence down the line that made Mila's stomach turn. She heard Joss draw in a deep breath before sighing heavily, a sinking feeling in her gut as she prepared herself for what Joss was about to say.

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