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(TW!! Mention of SA and violence in this chapter, please keep that in mind if it's something you're sensitive to)

The first thing Mila felt when she woke up was cold. There was a fierce breeze blowing through her hair and her thin dress, making the hairs on her arms stand on end as she pulled her eyes open.

The realisation knocked the breath from her chest, finding herself what felt like higher than the rest of the world as she looked around her and saw the edges of clouds, the tops of buildings peaking below her with glowing red lights blinking through the darkness of night.

Her back was flat against a brick wall and she quickly pulled her knees into her chest, eyes darting around until she saw a metal rail a few feet to her left, shuffling across to grab hold of it when she felt uneasy at the sensation of the world turning beneath her.

Sirens blared and traffic groaned as the cars crawled the streets below. Lights flickered in Times Square and tourists made their way to Broadway, office workers still had their heads buried in their laptop screens in sparsely lit skyscrapers, each light and window representing a soul. Mila was in the middle of the world, though she had never felt more alone.

Logan was sat on top of an air vent, lazily swinging a handgun through his fingers as he admired the view. That was one thing he would compliment Tony Stark on, the rooftop of his home had a stunning outlook on New York City, though that was as far as his kindness would extend.

"W-where is Tristan?" Mila said with trembling lips.

Logan looked at her then, tilting his head and narrowing his eyes, "Maybe I threw the little shit off the roof. What are you gonna do about it, M?"

There was an satanic tiredness in Logan's voice that made the way he seemed so un-phased about what he'd just said all the more haunting. Mila didn't believe him but that didn't make it any easier for her to breathe, the thought alone being enough to almost force her to throw up.

The last thing she remembered was walking into the bedroom to check on Tristan, only to find Logan perched on the edge of the bed with a gun in his hand and a smile on his face, simply watching the child sleep.

The silence didn't last long and Mila couldn't recall much, though she still felt the dropping of her heart when she watched Logan push Tristan across the room, sending him flying backwards into the corner of a chest of drawers.

She screamed and tried to run to him, only for Logan to grab her by the hand and yank her back towards him. She felt the force of a gun hitting her across the face, and then nothing more.

Mila wanted to believe that she was dreaming. She wanted to believe that this was all just a terrible, terrible nightmare that she'd jolt awake from any moment. Only she could feel her temple pulsating with pain and could smell Tony's cologne lingering on her skin, the beating of her heart thudding loudly in her ears and the wind still making her shiver, knowing that any dream she had would've been warm with Tony sleeping beside her.

"What do you want?"

Logan jumped down from the vent and walked over to her. There was something off about him, the menacing look in his eyes that Mila was unfortunately used to and his coercive demeanour was lacking, though she still pulled herself away from him when he crouched down on the floor in front of her.

"What I want, is for Tony Stark to know that he can't take my life," he said quietly, "I know all about him living in my home, claiming my fucking kid as his own, taking my girl-"

A sarcastic scoff came from Mila's lips as she was forced to listen to him. He fell silent at the interruption and that was when she saw his eyes flash with something dark.

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