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"I just want to see my son. Where is my son?"

Mila was pacing back and forth around a ten feet by ten feet room illuminated only by a lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. The steel door had been bolted shut and stood guard by her way in and only way out, was Logan.

"Would you stop saying my and start saying our? It's getting a little ridiculous."

The fact that Logan could say such words with a straight face was almost laughable to Mila. And she would've laughed, she would've burst into hysterics at the way her ex-boyfriend was so naïve to the world he'd created for her and Tristan, if it wasn't for the fact her emotions were overrun with worry and concern about the whereabouts of her little boy.

Logan glanced up at her once before looking down at his phone. Mila wasn't sure what he was doing but he kept taking calls that she couldn't hear and rarely took a few seconds to look away from the screen, constantly sending messages with quick thumbs.

It made her shiver every time he looked at her. It was haunting to have one pair of eyes look so identical to another, yet for each of them to hold memories and feelings that couldn't have been further apart if they tried.

Mila looked into the eyes of her child and saw hope, light and everything that was pure and good in the world. She saw her future, she saw purpose, and she saw love.

And although it was like looking at the same person when she stared at Logan's face, she was looking into the soul of something far, far darker than evil. Mila saw pain, she saw hatred and she saw betrayal when she looked at Logan, flashes of memories that would never truly fade.

"Where is he, Logan? Please ju-just don't hurt him. He's a kid, he doesn't deserve to be caught up in this, I-"

"Why would I hurt him?" Logan furrowed his brows in confusion, sliding the phone into the pocket of his jeans, "We're all going to be a family again, M, I would never hurt him."

Mila's eyes mellowed as she looked at him, taking a small step back until she felt the coolness of the bare brick wall against her spine, her hands laying flat against it.

"Wh-what are you talking about? We were never a family."

Logan rolled his eyes and began taking small steps across the room towards her, "Of course we were. And we will be again."

"No," Mila shook her head, swallowing hard, "You ruined us, Logan. You ruined me. You took my trust, my heart, my entire soul and turned it into dust, can't you understand that? Can't you see what you did to me, what you subjected me to for years? Don't you realise how goddamn awful you were to me?"

"Please," Logan just laughed with a shake of his head, "You are so dramatic, M. We loved each other, remember? Teenagers fight, we do dumb shit, all of us. But we were in love once, regardless of anything else. Tristan is my son, and whether you like it or not, we are going to be a family. The Tesseract is going to make sure of that, not that your objections would make a difference anyway, they never did before."

Mila's skin began to crawl. Although she'd tried her best to forget about her past, her ability to recall a time she'd looked at Logan and whispered the words 'I love you' to him made her want to simply disappear. And what was worse, was that she could recall exactly the way those three words sounded coming from his lips, too.

Mila had spent years thinking love was Logan Whitlock. She'd been conditioned into thinking love was screaming at each other until there were no words left to say. She thought love was the smell of alcohol on his breath and finding lipstick in his truck that didn't belong to her. Mila thought love was shouting no but being ignored, having a hand on her neck and her face pushed into a pillow. She thought love was crying herself to sleep and having bruises that turned black, and being abandoned with a child that was conceived at the turn of her darkest hour.

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