Chapter 7 - Free at Last?

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O'Neill wakes up as the spy ship changes its angle and loses altitude. With the sun in his eyes he realizes that it had risen some time ago. Looking around he sees that the pilot and copilot still sit in the low cockpit. The two guards as well as Dr. Jackson are awake but still lying down. When the co-pilot sees that O'Neill is awake he speaks.

"Ah, glad to see you are awake. Welcome to the Owl. We're careful about names, so you can call me Creteran and this is Argandan. The two gentlemen at the front are Aldanis." The man on the right gives a wave. "And Aercerin." The other man gives a quick salute. "They've been spies in this Urghan for several years. I and Argandan have been traveling around Urghan for several years, acting as eyes and ears for Sanctuum, mapping out escape routes for actions like this. Unfortunately, we had to blow our cover to get you out, and I was just about to be promoted."

"I'm sorry, but we're very grateful. Why did you risk it?"

Creteran shrugs. "I don't know where you come from, but I know it isn't Sanctuum. From what our handlers said, you apparently have a weapon Urghan desperately wants to know about and get their hands on."

Aldanis speaks up over the wind. "Rumors spread quickly in Urghan about the recent battle for Witheryn. Or should I say recent loss before they even reached Witheryn. A handful of small airships were able to stop a much more powerful Urghan force. If what I heard is only half true, it means that a single ship armed with that weapon could defeat a large fleet of conventional warships. Urghan is frightened to death by that weapon. It's probably frightened a few other countries as well. I don't know what's going to happen, but this fear can cause normal governments to act irrationally. And most of the governments around Sanctuum weren't acting rationally to begin with. There are lots of rumors flying about. But it looks like saving Whitheryn might result in more problems." He pauses, before he adds, "I know, doesn't make any sense, but what does these days."

Creteran says, "We're supposed to get you back to Sanctuum as soon as possible. Beyond that I don't know what is going to happen to either one of you."


"How does this ship stay up?" Dr. Jackson asks. "It doesn't look like there are enough air bags to keep it up."

Both O'Neill and Dr. Jackson, though mostly Dr. Jackson, are very curious about the spy ship that rescued them. Other than the wind screen that sticks up in front of the pilot and the depressions where O'Neill and the three others lay the ship is pretty much featureless.

"You noticed, huh?" Argandan says. "Yeah, this is a secret design. They decided to risk using it to rescue you two. I'm not sure how it works. There are special coils along the bottom that somehow helps the airship stay up without needing a lot of gas or lift propellers. It works pretty good but it does use a lot of energy."

As Argandan explains how the airship is able to stay up O'Neill knows that Carter would be wanting to take the airship apart to see how it all worked.

"We can carry only so many batteries. That's why we extended the sails from the keel and turned off two of our props. Just lay back and enjoy the ride."

Argandan calls out a few minutes later. "Got a signal from the rendezvous ship, the corvette Ponelum. We'll meet with them in three hours as planned." He makes a slight heading correction.

With nothing to do but lie there O'Neill decides to catch up on much needed sleep. He is suddenly awakened when he hears a shout from Creteran. He sees Creteran pointing to the stern and slightly to port. Looking back he sees a small dot just above the horizon. He turns to Creteran, but before he can ask what it is Creteran pulls out a small, brass-colored spyglass and extends it. He puts it up to his eye and then curses. "Looks like a patrol craft and it's headed this way. Can't tell but I doubt it's ours."

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