Chapter 9 - Lay of the Land

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Thaelena Kydiran, the Sanctuum Prime Minister, says, "we're in a terrible situation, as you can imagine."

O'Neill, Carter, and Jackson, as well as the US Ambassador, sit around a large table within a rather austere-looking conference room. Other Sanctuum official, civilian as well as military, sit around the table and in chairs along the walls. As the Prime Minister speaks O'Neill tugs at his collar. During the journey to Lurodin, Sanctuum's capitol, the Sanctuum ambassador had realized that O'Neill and Dr. Jackson were still wearing their prison uniforms. The ambassador quickly called ahead and made sure that before meeting the Prime Minister the colonel and doctor would have a chance to clean up and exchange their clothes for something more appropriate. O'Neill thought the sky-blue uniform felt pretty good, except the collar was a little tight.

On the wall behind the prime minister hangs a large, detailed map of Sanctuum. If O'Neill understands the scale, Sanctuum is roughly the size of the northwestern part of the United States, starting with Washington, Oregon, and ending at the eastern edges of the two Dakota states and Nebraska. Much of the country's terrain is mountainous with large open areas on the along the borders and the several large rivers. A large body of water lies between the eastern border of Sanctuum and the borders of several larger countries. The Itutara river acts as the western border with Urghan and several other countries. A world map hangs on the wall to O'Neill's right, showing where Sanctuum is in relation to the rest of the world. They can see that this planet, called Tanaeth, is very different from Earth. While land covers roughly thirty percent of the Earth's surface, land covers roughly fifty percent of Tanaeth. Instead of massive continents like the seven on Earth, Tanaeth has a great number of very large islands, close in size to islands like New Guinea, Greenland, and New Zealand, with many smaller islands and archipelagos scattered about. The largest continuous bodies of water are located at either pole, both of which are shown to be covered by sheets of ice.

After welcoming the representatives of Earth with the typical political talk, the Prime Minister has been discussing the state of their world.

"Our past problems with others have been caused mostly by jealousy, jealousy of our ability to take care of ourselves without depending upon others. For some, the jealousy has evolved into hate. Since our founding over 300 years ago we have always had issues. Thanks to the geographical arrangement of Tanaeth and our location on it, we've been fairly well isolated from much of the world for most of our existence. Unfortunately, with the beginning of the technological revolution the 'size' of Tanaeth began to shrink. The issues we had before seemed to intensify as it became easier to travel between countries. Fortunately, the same breakthroughs in science and technology that have allowed these problems to arrive on our doorstep have also enabled us to stay one step ahead of the rest of the world. That keeps us safe, for the most part. We have tried to buy off those around us, giving them just enough so that they would not attack, or would only do so individually and from the shadows. Of course, the fact that some countries are willing to trade with us while other countries," she gives a short laugh, "sometimes the same countries, call for boycotts against us, angers many. Fortunately, most countries distrust each other so much they are not willing to join together against us."

"From my most recent dealings with representatives from those other countries I see that hatred and fear is beginning to eat at them. And that worries me as well as others in our government."

US Ambassador Estes speaks up. "Why fear?"

Prime Minister Kydiran shakes her head. "We've always held off. Even when attacked we always defended, responding only enough to stop the attack. Though hated, we never were thought of as a threat. When Captain Sixsim borrowed your staff weapon and used it to fight off the attack on Whitheryn, everyone, within and outside of our government, realized that we had a weapon that could change the face of war, to allow us to easily go on the offensive. I'm not saying that Captain Sixsim did anything wrong. He prevented an attack that would have been devastating and resulted in the loss of many lives. If the attack had been successful, it would have hurt our ability to feed our own people. However, such a weapon, even in the hands of someone not familiar with it, almost singlehandedly took out two top of the line battleships and was mostly responsible for turning back an attack by superior numbers. That has sent a shockwave through the military not only of Urghan but several others. Do they believe you are from another world? I don't know. But they recognize the threat you pose. Before we fought alone. Now they believe we have a powerful ally with strange weapons, someone whom they think will fight at our side. And, in their minds, will allow us to go on the offensive against them."

She pauses to catch her breath and take a drink of water. "If our spies are to be believed, Urghan doesn't appear to have gained much from your interrogations, Colonel O'Neill and Dr. Jackson. That says a great deal about your strength and courage. However, they know enough to be afraid. The unfamiliar weapon and your appearance was bad enough. We also exposed our secret spy ship before we were ready. Though we were able to retrieve what was left of it, they saw that it flew without the need for large gas bags or lift propellers. I'm sure they realize that the technology that enabled our spy ship to slip across their border so easily will also allow our airships to do the same, while carrying more powerful weapons and thicker armor. And don't even get me started on your marvelous airplanes, I think they are called. Can you imagine how they would have reacted if instead of two airplanes a fleet of them had showed up?"

O'Neill wonders what the reaction would have been if they had been able to get a few F-16s through the gate.

"We knew that a concerted attack was being planned, one that would take place from two directions but along the western front. At the time, Urghan and her ally Lepronia were the most active against us. Fear is motivating other countries to become involved and perhaps open a second front. Our ambassadors are working overtime to ease their fears, but it may be too late."

"What do you need from us?" Ambassador Estes asks.

She shakes her head. "I honestly don't know. This is the gravest crisis we have ever faced. We've suffered losses in the past, sometimes severe, but we survived because we were smarter, better equipped, and only had to fight our enemy one at a time. Plus, we had something to fight for ... our survival and existence. I can't ask you to join with us, you are not of this world. How can you risk the lives of your people for something that is not your concern?"

She pauses for a moment to gather her thoughts. "Though I can't ask you to join with us, I would ask for any assistance you can provide. What would it be?" She shrugs. "Perhaps teach us how to fly those airplanes and let us borrow them? Or let us arm our airships with those missiles or, what were they, oh yes, staff weapons. Just enough to prevent us from being overwhelmed. We would be willing to provide what we can in compensation. And we would return whatever you loan us after the danger has faded."

"Prime Minister," says Ambassador Estes. "We are grateful for your rescuing Colonel O'Neill and Dr. Jackson. The airplanes are here, with supplies and missiles. Maybe we can put them at your disposal, I'll have to find out. Beyond that, I'm not sure. My government wants to avoid becoming involved in your world's internal affairs. But...." He pauses as well. "I can take your request back to my people and help them understand the situation here. See what we can offer in assistance. Given how severe your need is, we may be willing to provide some help."

The Prime Minister stands and walks around the table to Ambassador Estes. She shakes his hand. "Thank you. Anything you can do will be deeply appreciated."

 "If you can provide transport to the stargate I will relay your request to my people."

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