Chapter 12 - High-Level Discussions

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"SGC to Colonel O'Neill, over."

"O'Neill here, Walter. Any word from the President?"

"I don't know, Sir. However, General Hammond and the others are coming through the gate. I'm sure he will fill you in."

Just as the sergeant finishes speaking O'Neill sees several people stepping from the stargate. General Hammond walks at the front, with Captain Carter and Dr. Jackson right behind. The two ambassadors bring up the rear. The two ambassadors, speaking in Themanu, are involved in a deep conversation. They both carry a soft-sided briefcase and a small suitcase.

O'Neill steps forward and salutes. The general quickly returns the colonel's salute.

"General, nice to see you."

"Same here, Colonel." Hammond looks at the Sanctuum captain standing next to the colonel.

"Oh, sorry. This is Captain Teemurin, commander of the Sanctuum garrison at Fort Carter."

"Fort Carter?" The general glances at Captain Carter. She sighs and rolls her eyes. He chuckles.

"That was the suggestion of the Sanctuum team. I don't know why."

O'Neill says, giving a slight grin when he finishes. He knows the captain wasn't too happy about it but he reminded her of that saying, 'when in Rome'.

Switching to Themanu O'Neill says, "Captain Teemurin, this is my commanding officer, General Hammond."

Captain Teemurin gives a quick salute. "Please tell him I am honored to meet him."

After relaying the Sanctuum captain's greeting O'Neill asks, "so, General, we do have a plan?"

The general defers to the US Ambassador. He speaks in Themanu so both the Sanctuum base captain and ambassador will understand. "We believe so. The President was hesitant to go too far, but the attack on, uh Fort Carter, helped him make his decision. He and his staff agreed to provide limited aid, primarily for defensive purposes. He knows that it is not our fight. However, based upon reports it almost sounds like the other side is making preparations to invade and occupy most if not all of Sanctuum. It may not be what we would consider genocide, but it might be the next worse thing. The President knows that it would be impossible to teach them to operate our aircraft and weapon systems in time to deal with the threat. The general and I will be talking to their government, to let them know how far we are willing to go and what we can provide to them."

He switches back to English. "The general can provide a few more details."

As the general speaks Ambassador Estes translates. "The President has authorized the deployment of two UAV teams, one for the east and one for the west." The general pauses to allow Ambassador Estes to explain what an unmanned aerial vehicle is. "They will provide a more effective 'eye in the sky' surveillance option for the east and west borders. The UAVs will not be armed and will confine their surveillance to the Sanctuum side of the border. I'm not sure what role the O-2 aircraft will have. Beyond that we'll have to wait and see."

"How are the injured men, Sir?" O'Neill asks.

"Recovering. Some of our more seriously injured were shipped out to other facilities. Most of the Urghan prisoners are well enough to be returned. Once Sanctuum has transportation available we will bring them through the gate. Please let Captain Teemurin know that."

"Yes, Sir. I'll ask him how soon we can get an airship."

O'Neill turns to the Sanctuum captain and relates what the general said.

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