Chapter 11 - Company's Coming

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"Colonel, Captain Teemurin is on his way over. Seems a little anxious."

Colonel O'Neill opens his eyes to see one of the airmen standing in front of him. It seems like he had just sat down at the back of the bunker and closed his eyes. He jumps up, grabs his weapon, and heads out of the bunker. He sees that the sun is about to rise behind the hills to the east.

"Colonel O'Neill!" Captain Teemurin runs toward him, obviously excited.

"What is it?"

"We received notice from our spotters in the hill. Noise detectors picked up engine sounds from beyond the hills. Range was estimated to be four miles at the time. We think one or more ships are trying to come in behind us."

"Not yours?"

"No, Sir. Ours should be approaching more from the south. Not as direct but avoids the taller obstructions. Plus, we would have been notified of their arrival."

"Bundy!" O'Neill yells out.

Bundy had been in the command bunker discussing the defenses with Teal'c, Lieutenant Charles, and Sergeant Sullivan. He was already on his way out since he knew something was up as soon as he heard that the Sanctuum Captain was on his way.

"What's up, Colonel?"

"Warm things up. Company's coming. Spotters think from the east."

Bundy pulls a whistle out of his pocket. He gives it two long blows. "We're going to need an air raid siren," he yells as he runs toward the observation post. As he does he yells into his radio, telling the lieutenant there to notify the weapons crews on the meadow and riverbed about the incoming airships. O'Neill hears shouts from around the meadow as the men and women take positions.

A few minutes later a spout of sand shoots up into the air as a shell explodes thirty or so yards past the stargate. The loud sound of a cannon follows almost immediately. Someone yells "incoming" and O'Neill ducks into the bunker. The thud of bullets hitting the ground around the bunker fills the air. The sound of the .50 caliber mixed in with personal weapons fire provides a response to the incoming fire.

"Unable to make radar contact," the radar operator yells out. "It is still hidden behind the hill."

O'Neill yells at one of the airmen to grab a rocket launcher and follow him outside. They look toward the east. The glare of the rising sun keeps them from seeing the airship. The sound of machine gun fire and the loud engines definitely tells them that the enemy airship is coming from the rear. They duck down in front of the bunker as bullets strike its roof. They hear the loud report of a cannon and then an explosion, this time in the meadow near the edge of the bluff.

Just then the airship moves in front of the sun, giving them a clear view. O'Neill hears the airman extend the inner tube. "I've got it lined up, Sir."

O'Neill looks behind them to be sure no one will be hit by the back blast. "It's clear. Take the shot!"

He hears the rocket activate followed by a whooosh as it leaves the launcher. They watch the rocket streak toward the bow of the airship. It strikes under its bow, a few feet in front of the gondola. The rocket must have penetrated the armor of the airship before detonating, since they don't see an explosion. O'Neill knows that the shaped charge, capable of penetrating several inches of armor, is ripping through whatever is in its way. He hears another whoosh as a stinger leaves its launcher. The outrigger engine on the port side of the airship's bow disintegrates, causing the airship to turn to its left. O'Neill watches as .50 caliber bullets rip into the side of the airship. Another machine gun opens up, its bullets slamming first into the gondola and then up the side of the balloon. The attacking airship speeds up to get away from the murderous fire but it is too late. It begins to drop toward the ground.

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