Chapter 8 - Where's the Cavalry when You Need It?

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For the past twenty minutes shells have been exploding in the air behind and above the Ponelum. Losing the weight and drag of the lift engines enabled the corvette to keep the enemy ships at bay for an additional twenty-five minutes. Somehow the Urghan airships had been able to increase their speed enough to bring the corvette into range of their long guns. Occasionally shrapnel from too-close explosions rain on the Ponelum. Fortunately, none of the gasbags or the stern engines have been damaged.  The explosions creep closer and closer as the pursuing airships continue to gain on the corvette. Though it reduces their overall speed the lieutenant orders minor course corrections, hoping to throw off the Urghan airships' aim.

"Radio," the corvette's lieutenant calls out. "Send message to pursuing craft. Tell them that we are crossing into Sanctuum's territory. If they continue to pursue they will be committing an act of war."

"But sir–" the operator says.

"I know, we're not quite there yet. But it might make them hesitate just long enough."

"Yes, Sir. Sending message." After a short wait, the operator says, "same message as before, shut down engines, prepare to be–"

He is interrupted as explosions occur too close to the ship. The lieutenant says, "I guess that didn't work."

The lieutenant shakes his head. "I'm sorry Colonel, Dr. Jackson. I don't think there's much we can do except keep running. Looks like they are willing to shoot us down rather than let us escape."

"I understand, Lieutenant. You've done what you could."

They wait. Another explosion above the ship showers it with shrapnel. The lieutenant orders airmen to climb up into the ship with patches to repair any leaks.

A few minutes later a message comes from the forward lookout. "Two incoming objects, high speed. They aren't airships, must be missiles."

The lieutenant looks out the bow windows at the rapidly approaching objects and curses. "How the hell did a missile airship get in front of us. Buoyancy operator, prepare to evacuate bow tanks for emergency dive. Brace for evasive action." he yells.

Before he can give the order to dive the two objects move apart. Everyone on the bridge watch as the two objects zip past either side of the corvette.

"What the hell were those things!" someone yells out.

"They aren't yours?" O'Neill asks.

The lieutenant shakes his head and says, "I've never seen anything like that before."

The two unidentified flying objects cross over behind the Ponelum, make wide U-turns, and then approach the corvette, one on either side. Once the mystery aircraft catch up they slow down to keep pace with the airship. Everyone, including O'Neill and Dr. Jackson, stare at the two aircraft with high-set wings and twin tail booms. Each aircraft has an engine and propeller in the front and another engine with a propeller in the rear. Two pairs of rocket pods have been slung under the high set wings. It takes O'Neill a few seconds before he recognizes the aircraft. They look like O-2 Skymasters, the military version of the Cessna 337, but that can't be. The occupants in the O-2 give the corvette a wave.

"Jack, look at the tail!" Jackson says.

O'Neill looks at the aircraft's tail. Above the "N-number" he sees "USAF".

"They're ours?" O'Neill says.

Before the surprised lieutenant can ask O'Neill about the airplanes the radio operator calls out, "Lieutenant, broadcast coming from one of the unknown airships. On international frequency."

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