Chapter 13 - It Begins

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O'Neill wakes up to yelling. He jumps up from his cot and checks his watch. "Of course," he thinks to himself. "Three o'clock in the morning. This stuff always happens at three o'clock in the morning."

He steps out of the tent into what he at first thinks is the morning sun. Then he realizes that the camp has been lit up. He'll have to tell Bundy to watch the lights, he doesn't want to give anyone an easy target. He yells at a passing airman.

"Airman, what's happening?"

"Not sure, Colonel. The Sanctuum people suddenly started acting crazy. I can't speak their lingo but something big is up."

O'Neill trots over to the Sanctuum command tent. The officers and radio operators are yelling back and forth. Even though O'Neill speaks their language he has trouble understanding what they are saying. Captain Teemurin stands at a table looking over several maps. O'Neill walks over to find out what is happening. The commander senses his approach.

Looking up he says, "Ah, Colonel. Well, it's happened."

"The attack?"

"Yes. Late yesterday their fleet began to move from their assembly points on the eastern front. They began their approach to our shoreline an hour ago. Our fleet held off, warning them to cease their approach. We attacked once their fleet crossed into Sanctuum. Your 'eye in the sky' shows that their fleet is even larger than we thought. Reserves have already been called up, and some ships have been pulled from the Western and Southern fleets. About the time that they crossed the border our spies informed us that the troop carriers had begun to move. This is not just an attack but an invasion."

O'Neill activates his radio. "Carter, Bundy, do you read, over."

Carter responds almost immediately. Bundy responds a few seconds later. "What's up, Colonel?"

"Go to full alert. Get the aircraft into position. I'll be over once I understand the situation. And until the aircraft are ready to takeoff turn off the lights. O'Neill out."

He hears yells and shouts as the men and women take up defensive positions and move the aircraft into position.

"What about the western front?" O'Neill asks the captain.

"We are unable to make contact with them. We are working to correct that. I assume that front is active as well."

"Okay. We'll be ready to move out in a few minutes."

O'Neill leaves the command tent and heads across the grassy meadow to the SC command bunker. Only a few lights are on now, mostly around the two O-2s, making it more difficult to see what's happening. This also makes it difficult for any enemy airship to attack. The two O-2 aircraft have been hauled to the far end of the runway and are facing into the wind. Though he can't see them, he knows the two U17Cs sitting in the riverbed near the stargate have also been positioned for takeoff. He sees the air crews make final checks on the Hellfire launchers, especially the new pair that were recently added to each O-2. The pilots walk around the aircraft, performing a final pre-flight check.

He reaches the command center as Captain Bundy receives the latest updates from Lieutenant Holmann in the observation post. Carter, Teal'c, and Sergeant Siler wait for the final word from the colonel. Since they are some of the few who have been exposed to the language teacher they will act as a backup voice for the pilots. O'Neill's not happy about it but no one else got to enjoy the teaching experience. They review a map of the western front so they can familiarize themselves with major landmarks and the Sanctuum coordinate system.

"Do we have a go, Colonel?" Carter asks.

"Not yet. They haven't been able to contact the Western fleet. Once they do and if we are needed we can head out. Remember, before releasing a Hellfire, try to approach your target head on. That way the shaped charge will do the most damage to the airship's internals. Unless otherwise ordered we are to attack the capital ships. Battleships or, if the reports are true, dreadnoughts."

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