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The week leading up to the trip was going by super fast. I felt like I couldn't catch my breath and had a few panic attacks from the mere thought of the trip.

I second guessed myself several times and called Denise to cancel multiple times. She calmed me down each time, reminding me that she would be right by my side.

If it hadn't been for that, I would've ducked out of this trip completely, because I was freaking out about any and every thing. 

Surprisingly, I was freaking out so much about it, I hadn't even realized that I hadn't spoken to Colby in two weeks. This wasn't abnormal, but usually I thought about it. 

This time, my mind was occupied by too many other things. So, when his name popped up on my phone screen, when I was running my last minute errands, the day before we would be leaving, it surprised me.

I hadn't even told him that I was going. I knew he was moving there, but was he already there? I didn't know. 

The fact that we didn't stay caught up on each other as much anymore was sad. I hoped that would change, once things settled down for us both. If things settled down.

"Hey!" I said, answering the Facetime. I was in the middle of the local Wal*Mart, so I found an empty aisle where I could maybe have a little privacy. 

I felt weird speaking on Facetime when others were around me.

"Hey beautiful," he replied, with a slow grin spreading across his full lips. 

God, he was gorgeous. His thick brown hair fell slightly over those bright blue eyes, making my fingers itch to push it back. 

"H-hey," I stuttered out, feeling the blush start to rise in my cheeks. "How've you been?" 

He let out a short, low laugh and shook his head. "What?" I asked, genuinely confused. "Nothing, really. I just love how one little word can still make you blush," he replied, with that damn smirk on his full lips. 

He thought I was blushing because he called me beautiful...I was fine with that. I didn't believe him, but I could handle it. Better than him knowing that I really wanted to dive my fingers into his hair. 

"Oh...well, I get embarrassed easily. You know that," I murmured, unable to look away from his eyes. It was like he was had me in a trance. I probably would've done anything he asked me in that moment.

It was weird, because my feelings for him had intensified since I broke it off with him. The more I tried to avoid it, and him, the more he was on my mind. I hadn't let another man touch me, since he had left, but the memory of him stayed on my mind constantly.

"Yeah, I know. I like making you blush though," he replied. I watched, as the blue in his eyes darkened, sending a shiver all over my body. 

"Uh," I said, stupidly, forgetting how to form words for a moment. He laughed again, so I narrowed my eyes. "Stop fucking with me," I groaned, as I rolled my eyes. "You're so annoying." 

"Sorry, Cal! You just make it so easy. I really do love that about you though. It's fun making you blush. You're just so cute and innocent," he replied. 

"I am neither of those things, especially not innocent," I retorted, joining in on his laughter. "Now, are you gonna talk to me, or keep making fun of me?"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," he chuckled. "Looks like you're shopping. Do I need to let you go?" I shook my head, quickly. "No, not at all. There's something I need to tell you anyway," I responded. 

"Oh yeah? What's up?" he raised one perfect eyebrow, with a half grin on his lips. "Huh?" I said, dumbly, my mind going blank, as I stared at his tongue going over his bottom lip. 

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