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The tour continued with Colby showing us the immaculate kitchen, with it's stainless steel appliances and huge island (with a produce sink) in the middle of the room. I had to physically stop myself from running to the refrigerator to see what I could cook up. From there, we saw the extra living room, almost as large as the first one, where they had a couple of game systems hooked up, the two downstairs bathroom that were both larger than the one bathroom I had at home, and the massive open area that led to the block style staircase. 

The inside of the house was more homey than it looked like on the outside, but the smooth angles were still very present. Sam came downstairs, jumped over the block railing, onto a ramp style ledge that went over our heads, then jumped down behind us. "He's a fucking monkey," Denise mused, with her eyes wide. 

"Stop showing off, dude," Colby laughed. "What?" Sam shrugged. "We always climb on the house. Don't act like we don't." He waved and smiled, then walked towards the kitchen, like everything he had just done was normal. 

"Am I high?" I giggled, shaking my head. "Or did I just see a grown man climbing the walls, like Spider-Man?" Colby laughed and shrugged. "He's not wrong. We do it all the time. I don't know though. Are you high? You tell me." 

I rolled my eyes and pushed him up the stairs a little. My anxiety was all, but gone now, thank God. The longer I was around Colby, the more at ease I became. "Please, you know I can't smoke anymore. Can't afford it, for one, and can't find a strain that doesn't send me into an all out panic attack."

"What about when you smoked with me a couple of years ago? You did alright with that, right? And I sent you some. Did you have a panic attack with that?" he asked, as he stepped up onto the second story landing of the house.

"Oh, I remember the shit you sent," Denise said, stepping up beside me. "It was amazing, and haven't been able to enjoy weed since then, so thanks. I am now a bougee smoker, without the bougee income." She sighed heavily, letting her shoulders sag in mock disappointment. 

Colby got a slightly confused look on his face and smiled. "Am I supposed to apologize or say 'you're welcome'?" Denise crossed her arms, defiantly, and looked at him with a stern expression. "You should apologize for sending Cal primo product, because I will never be satisfied with the regular shit now. Or you can just continue to send said product and we'll call it even." 

"Denise!" I exclaimed, slapping her arm. "OW! What?!" she asked, as she rubbed her arm, where I had smacked her. "I'm just saying!" She leaned closer to me, and pretended to whisper. "Shut UP, Cal! I really liked that weed. I gotta make him feel bad, so that he'll send you more."

Colby chuckled, a deep reverberating sound that came from his chest, and ran his ring clad hand through his thick, chestnut hair. I watched the light catch the silver of his rings, and the way his hair fell silkily through his fingers. It made me itch to run my own fingers through his hair. 

"I told Callie that I would send her more. She told me not too. I thought she didn't like it, or that she had an adverse reaction to it," he said, shrugging. "Oh, you bitch!" Denise exclaimed, turning to smack me, just like I had smacked her. "OW!" I yelped, flinching back from her. "I could've been smoking the best weed I've ever had, for the past two years, and you told him NOT to send it! Oh, you suck." 

"You're such a drama queen," I replied, wryly, smirking at her. She knew good and well why I had told him not to send anymore. This was all an act, because I had told her everything. I didn't want to be dependent on Colby, his money, or his weed. 

Usually, when people did nice things for you, they expected something in return. Not that I would ever expect Colby to be that way, but why risk it? Plus, I just didn't want to rely on anyone anymore. I had been free from Will, making my own decisions and relying on my damn self for a few years now. I rather liked being independent.

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