47 (Mature)

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A/N: This will be a very graphic, highly detailed smut chapter. If this is something that you aren't interested in reading, then please wait for the next chapter. You won't miss anything, except really good sex ;) If you are too young, please wait for the next chapter. If you read it anyway, just pretend you're an adult, because I can't deal with the thought of corrupting young minds (let's be real tho, you were corrupted before I came along)lol if you're from twitter, and feel the need to ss and talk shit, don't. I'm not the type to give a FUCK what anyone else thinks. I've been doing this and battling little twitter assholes for 5 years. I have my own brain, so just because you don't agree with what I do, doesn't mean I'll stop. I don't care if I'm "popular" or "accepted" in this toxic ass fandom. I have my own people that I trust, almost 3k on Twitter, almost 7k and over 10k on my Instas. You can't cancel me so don't waste your energy. If you're here simply because you enjoy my writing style and my stories, then thank you. If you've been here since I started, thank you even more bc I know that's been a crazy ride with all my surgeries, family deaths, depression and shit. Okay, I'll let you read the smut now, ya freaks ;) love you always (also, this is a really long chapter)

Colby took my breath away. Literally. His kiss felt like he was trying to absorb every bit of my heart, my soul. I moaned into his open mouth, when his hands hit bare skin, going under my shirt, to grip my waist. 

I froze for just a moment, thinking about how soft my middle was, and how he was about to see my body for the first time. His fingers dug into my skin, as he softened the kiss, then pulled away, slowly. 

"You okay?" he asked, concern and lust coating his voice, as his thumbs lovingly stroked my sides. I swallowed hard, trying to stay grounded, as I stared into those blue flame eyes. "Yeah," I breathed out. "I'm just...it's been a long time, Colby. I haven't...since Will, and I know that I'm probably not what you're used too. I'm not skinny or beautiful. I'm just me." 

I really didn't want to kill the mood, but I didn't want him to think that any insecurities I had was because of him. 

"Pretty Girl," he said, softly, moving one of his hands to my face to cup my cheek. "You are more beautiful than anyone I've ever seen. You're the one I've wanted since I was 14 years old. This is literally a dream come true for me. Everything that you think is ugly about yourself, is just a remnant of what life has done to you. It's not what I, or the world, sees, but if it gets to be too much for you, just tell me, and we can stop."

I heard his words, but then I remembered when I had stopped Will a few times. Every time that I did, he would get so mad. I would have to deal with him smashing things, slamming doors, yelling, and then not even speaking to me, until the next day. So, I learned to just lie there and let him take what he wanted to avoid all of that. 

I didn't plan on stopping Colby. Not at all. I wanted this more than anything, in that moment. But, what if I was unable to control my stupid brain? What if I started freaking out, like I did with the poor guy in the bar? I didn't want that embarrassment. 

"Do you understand me, Callie?" he asked, bringing his other hand to my face, so that he was holding it still, locking eyes with me. "I'm serious. I won't be mad. I won't do anything stupid. I will still love you just as much as I do now. You will tell me, if you want to stop. Understood?"

As conflicted as I was right then, his forceful tone sent a wave of heat straight to my core, making me clench my legs together. "You promise you won't get mad," I asked, pitifully, casting my gave downward. "Promise," he breathed, before tilting my chin back up and pressing his lips to mine. 

It was a sweet kiss, filled with promises of what could be, what might be. As his tongue caressed my own, I felt all of the tension almost completely go away. If he didn't like my body, then it was his fault. I had tried to tell him. If I freaked out, I had told him that too. I wanted to believe him, so I was going to try really hard to do that. 

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