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Since it was an actual ballroom, inside this magnificent hotel, I was prepared for it to be all upscale and brilliant. I was not disappointed. 

"Snazzy," Denise said, looking around the classy room. There weren't any decorations or anything like that. Instead, the crystal chandeliers shone dimly from the ceiling, giving it a romantic feel. There was a stage, where a DJ was set up, playing some song that I didn't know. It sounded slow and wistful. 

There was a bar, complete with bartender right across from where we were standing. "Don't worry, it'll get better after speeches," a random brunette said, walking over to us. She was dressed in a knee length, classy, black pencil dress. Her hair was up, in a sophisticated bun, adorned with pearl clips. 

I began to feel very self conscious in my very short dress. I started fidgeting with my rings again, fighting the feeling to just flee right back out the door. 

Colby's arm snaked around my waist, until his hand rested on my hip. He pulled me against his side and looked down at me. He knew. I don't know how he knew, but he did. "Thank you," I mouthed, silently. He nodded and gave me a small, comforting smile. 

"I hope so, because this is a little different than I thought it would be," Denise laughed with the lady. "Trust me. This is just the professional part. The fun part starts later." She held her hand out to Denise. "I'm Jenna. District Manager of store number 151 and organizer of this event. Nice to meet you." 

They shook hands and chatted for a second, while Colby and I stood there, patiently waiting. While I wasn't as anxious about being here, I was hyperaware of his hand on my hip. Every now and then, his fingers would tighten, just a little, sending little shots of electricity through my skin. 

Denise's text came to my mind. Could I do something like that? Could I sleep with Colby, knowing that nothing could come of it? Would it ruin our friendship? Did I even want to? 

Well, that was a dumb question. Of course, I wanted too. I don't think I had ever wanted to be with someone, as badly as I did with him. It was actually kind of ridiculous how insanely attracted to him I was. 

Would he even want to sleep...no, I might as well think it. If I couldn't even think it, then I had no business doing it. Sex. Would he even want to have sex with me? Did he still feel the way he use too? There was no way that I could put myself out there to ask him, even if I did decide to say yes. So, there was no reason to this random bullshit thinking. 

Fucking Denise. Why did she have to go and put this thought inside my fucked up brain? UGH, I wanted to punch her. Just a little bit. She had my 27 year old grown ass questioning every little thing OVER A GUY! I had promised myself that I wouldn't ever do that again. Of course, this was Colby though...this was different. He was different. 

"Alright, guys, let's go get a drink," Denise said, grabbing my hand, as she walked towards the bar. Colby kept his arm around me, as we walked with her, though. "This early?" I asked, feeling the anxiety rise again. I would not be able to drink all night, without getting absolutely plastered. I didn't know these people and I did NOT want to make a fool out of myself. For Denise's sake, of course. This was for her job, after all.

"Yes, this early," she giggled. "I'm gonna a little bit of a buffer to deal with all of these people. Some of them look pretty stuffy." We all sat down at the bar, with me in the middle of Denise and Colby. That was fine. I felt shielded from the outside world. That was exactly what I needed right then. 

I felt so exposed in this dress. Every time I moved, I felt the fabric shift around my legs, rising and falling with each step. It was already really short. I was terrified that everyone here was going to get to see my underwear. While I was more comfortable in these heels, than I had initially been, I still didn't know how to walk in them very well. Face planting was inevitable. 

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