50 Colby

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I had seen Callie mad, but never like this. This anger was fueled by fear and rage that she had kept buried for years. She was pacing the living room, like an angry lioness, ready to go to battle for her family. 

The caramel and blonde highlights, in her hair, were catching the light with every step, making her almost shimmer beneath them. Her hazel green eyes flashed with every word she snapped out, captivating me, just as much as it worried me. 

"I have to go home. NOW," she demanded, those eyes flashing at me. "Callie, calm down," I said, trying to sooth her. Those were the wrong words to say, though. "Calm DOWN?!" she screeched. "Calm down?? Colby Brock, don't you EVER tell me to calm DOWN! HE THREATENED MY FAMILY! MY SON! You don't get to tell me to CALM DOWN!" 

"You're right, you're right," I said, hurriedly. "I'm sorry. I meant to say, try to calm down. So that we can think this through rationally. If you want to go home, then I'll make sure you get there, but do you really think he's going to try anything? Or is he just talking out of his ass?" 

I personally didn't think the little punk was going to do anything. He was too much of a bitch. Too scared of facing the consequences of his actions. She shook her head, vehemently. "No, he means it. He means every word of it. He's shady, Colby. He'll make something happen, without anyone even knowing about it, until its too late. I have to go home. I need you to make sure that Denise is safe, until she leaves to come home. I have to pack. I have to go."

"Whoa!" I exclaimed, jumping in front of her, as she started out of the room. "What do even plan on doing? I have to figure out things before I can just go. Give me a few minutes to do that, Cal." She shook her head again. "No. I'll figure out how to get home. If they don't let me exchange my ticket, then I'll hitchhike. I'll walk as much as I need too. Let me by, Colby," she demanded. I swear I could almost see smoke coming out of her ears. 

"No. You're not hitchhiking. You won't make it back home, if you do something stupid like that. Just hold on. Let me talk to Sam. I'll get you home as soon as I can. Just give me a chance. Baby, please," I begged her, placing my hands on her hips. 

Her eyes cleared a little and she let out a small breath. "Fine. I'll give you an hour. Then, I'm leaving in whatever way that I have too. But, I am leaving, Colby. I have to get home to my son. He's all that matters right now. I'm sorry."

I think she expected me to be hurt or angry about that, but I wasn't. She reminded me of how my own mom would fight for me or my brother, when someone did us wrong. She would burn the world down for her child, no matter the consequences. It didn't matter that he was almost 18. He was still her baby. I respected the shit out of that. 

"Don't be sorry," I said, softly, pulling her closer to me. "I get it. He's your son. You have to protect him. You're an amazing mother, Callie. No matter what that piece of shit says, Ben is one lucky kid to have you in his corner. I'll get you home to him. I promise." 

She sighed, as I leaned down, pressing my lips to hers. It was a kiss that was full of promises, anger, and love. When we broke apart, I leaned my forehead down to hers and stared into her eyes. "I love you, Cal. I've got your back." She smiled, softly, and blinked at me. "I love you too, Colby. Thank you." 

I took her hand in mine and led her up the stairs. "Go pack, talk to Denise, and whatever else you need to do. I'll go talk to Sam," I said, as we stopped in front of Sam's door. She nodded and started to pull her hand away. I tightened my grip and brought it to my lips, before I let it slide out of my hand. Her cheeks flamed up, as she walked past me, to her room. 

I smiled to myself, as I rapped my knuckles on Sam's bedroom door. "Yeah?" he called out, sounding down. Shit, I hated to leave him when he was going through this whole thing with Kat, but I didn't have much of a choice. He would, more than likely, stay to himself for a few days anyway. Enough time for me to do what I needed to do.

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