2. First Day Back

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"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask. Harry laughs at my question - the same question I've asked at least three times today. "I mean, I felt it too. All I could think about was..." I stop my sentence. We look at each other knowingly. We're currently sitting on a bench outside of the castle, where we usually meet when we happen to be having a crisis at the same time. It's strange how connected our minds can be for people who don't even see each other every day. "Also, how are your aunt and uncle?" I ask. He rolls his eyes.

"Oh, they're still awful if that's what your asking." We both laugh. He clears his throat and looks around nervously. There's something off about him. I can tell when he's hiding a secret, but I know never to pry. He's so close with Hermione and Ron that I can be sure that someone is helping him with his troubles. He checks the time on his watch and jumps up. "Quick, we're gonna be late for herbology!"

I grab my books and follow him down the field and toward the small greenhouse we are supposed to meet in today. Even from far away, it is easy to see Rue's long curly hair and Marcus's tall stature walking side-by-side. My sides hurt too much to call for them; running isn't my forte and my body is reminding me of my lack of exercise.

We finally make it, out of breath, but in time. We lean over and try to catch our breath before heading inside to join the chatter of our peers. Hermione and Ron seem to be in an argument of sorts, so I wave a small goodbye to Harry as he joins them. "Valentine, there you are! Where have you been?" Rue asks. We link arms and she brings me to the corner Marcus is talking to Seamus, a Gryffindor boy. Seamus gleams up at me and shakes my hand. We first met awkwardly in our first year and all we could think to do was shake hands, so now it is our tradition when we see each other.

"It was quite a laugh to see you sprintin' out there, Valentine," Seamus says. I cover my face in embarrassment. Of course, he saw me dying. Why wouldn't he? "Also, I saw you talking to Malfoy on the train here. You sure are brave for a Hufflepuff."

"Hufflepuffs can be brave!" Rue defends. I point to her to agree with what she said. Before we can continue our conversation, our professor greets us and we begin our lesson.


It isn't long before dinner, and I am currently trying to find Martin. I was told his carrier was lost, but someone saw him prowling around, chasing after a butterfly. So, here I am, looking in every bush and under every opening to find him. The sun is hot and I don't do too well in the heat, so I'm hoping he answers me soon. "Martin!" I call. I shine my wand over the shadow of a large statue, but he isn't there.

"You know, you won't find your boyfriend hiding in a corner outside," someone says. I turn and see Draco standing with his arms crossed. It's an odd sight to see him without his two sidekicks. "Trouble in paradise? Made him go mad and want to hide in some bushes outside?" He mocks. I take a deep breath to calm myself.

"Martin is my cat. He's big and orange and answers when you call him. Have you seen him?" I ask, ignoring the taunts he's obviously using to bait me.

"He doesn't really answer when you call if he isn't coming now, right?" He asks. He smirks and takes a step closer to me. "And it's hard to miss him! Poor carrier can barely contain him. I'm honestly surprised you can hold the plump beast."

I put my wand away and sigh in frustration. My stomach is rumbling in hunger and there's no use arguing with Draco. I turn from him and start to walk to the dining hall, but I can hear his footsteps behind mine. The sound annoys me and I try to speed up, but his long legs are better than my short, chubby ones and he's walking beside me in an instant. "That tall boy, is he your boyfriend?" He asks. I turn to look at him, keeping my pace. He isn't looking back at me.

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