69. New Rules

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"You're joking, right?" Rue asks. We stare at the large plaque that says all groups and organizations are forbidden unless they're approved by Umbridge herself. "There's no way she doesn't kno-"

"I told him to lay low!" Angelina bellows. She swings around and stomps away from us, more than likely looking for Harry. I was filled in about how he missed tryouts and is risking not playing a single game, and I also know how seriously Angelina takes quidditch. He definitely isn't on her good list. At this point, I'm not sure how many people's good list he could possibly be on.

Seamus and Neville stop behind us, both looking up at the sign. "Unbelievable," Seamus mutters. "What do ya think about it, Valentine?" He asks.

"It's ridiculous. She's making this a dictatorship!" I complain. "She needs to be stopped. Where is Dumbledore? Why is the Ministry giving her so much power?"

Seamus scoffs. "They obviously want to take over Hogwarts," he answers. "Listen, I trust everything more with you in charge. Still not sure about the other one."

"He's been our friend for years!" Neville almost yells. When he realizes how loud he became, his face turns red and he hangs his head low. "Sorry. Valentine is a great teacher, but Harry is our friend! Not that you're not our friend, Valentine, because you are!"

I laugh and hold my hand up to stop his rambling. "Neville, it's okay!" I say. I've always thought how cute and innocent Neville is, especially with how shy he is on top of it. But he's proven that he deserves to be a Gryffindor. "Anyways, I'll see you guys around."

As Rue and I leave, Ginny runs up to us and pulls us to the side. "Have you seen the new decree?" She asks. Rue and I groan in response, knowing not a word has to be said to express our frustration. "This means every organization has to be approved. She must know. Are you sure Draco doesn't know? You don't have it written somewhere he may find?"

"Why would I write something like that down? I'm clumsy, not a complete moron!" I defend. Rue elbows my arm and glares at me to be nicer. "Besides, I know better than to say anything about it anywhere near him."

Ginny sighs in relief. "Sorry. I know you wouldn't, it's just... even quidditch teams have to be approved, so I'm completely stressed. I didn't mean to accuse you of anything."

"Sharing secrets, are we?" Fred asks, ducking under the stairs to join us in the shadows. "Our high inquisitor has to approve of your group meetings, you know? Girls meeting under the stairs is quite the trend now."

"I think it should be banned. They could be plotting against us, you know," George says, ducking behind Fred and almost completely covering the three of us girls with their large bodies. "I never trust girls meeting in secret. The last time Ginny met with other girls in secret, I had purple hair for three weeks."

We burst out laughing as George checks to see if his hair is still, in fact, ginger. As we're caught up in laughing, we don't hear the sounds of the most dreaded woman approaches us. She stops behind Fred and George and clears her throat annoyingly. "Ah-hem!"

Our faces suddenly fall and the twins separate like double doors to reveal me in the middle of the group. Great, another reason for her to suspect me. "We were just leaving," Rue says, grabbing my arm and pulling me away. Professor Umbridge giggles and takes a step to block our path.

"It seems you party were having a grand time. What were you laughing about?" She asks. We all stare at her blankly. Fred and George are now standing with their arms crossed and Ginny behind them, and Rue and I have our arms interlocked. "You have all seen the decree about organizations, I hope?"

George and I make eye contact before he answers. "What does that have to do with us having a conversation?" He asks. "Do I have to ask permission to talk to my brother and sisters?" He asks. I fight a smile at the thought of him including me as a sister, but it completely fades when Professor Umbridge turns her sharp look to me.

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