59. The Ministry

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"Harry's here!" Hermione exclaims. Ginny and I jump from our beds and run to the railing in the hallway. The three of us almost fall over as we look down. Ron is on the railing above us, also looking down with excitement. Harry stands next to his luggage, members of the Order pushing past him as he smiles up at us.

"Harry," Ron sighs, running down the stairs to greet his friend first. I am the last to greet him, knowing that they're all closer friends than I am with him. After the three say their hellos, I pull Harry into a hug.

It's sort of awkward, but there's something unspoken between us. Both of us, underage Triwizard contestants, witnessed the death of another student on the same night. "I'm glad you're here," I say. We guide Harry to the kitchen downstairs, where we know the adults are.

When Harry steps through, he's immediately greeted with many hellos. Mr. And Mrs. Weasley are the first, then Sirius. Hermione motions for me to follow her out of the room while Harry speaks with his godfather.

"So, are you actually going to go through with it?" She asks, her voice barely a whisper in case there are listening ears. "You don't think Mrs. Weasley knows, do you? It would be impossible for Mr. Weasley to not find out you saw Draco."

Before I can reply, Mr. Weasley steps out into the area we're talking in. I'm sure we both look guilty from our shocked expressions and his raised eyebrow. "Whatever you two girls were discussing is none of my business," he says, though he seems pretty suspicious. "I am just here to remind Valentine that Kingsley will be here at 6:30AM sharp and the three of us will leave for the Ministry. I have to say, I'm quite excited for the two of us to be showing such a talented young witch around."

"Oh, I wasn't aware both of you will be my guides," I reply, feigning humor in an attempt to hide my disappointment. How in the world will I be able to see Draco if Mr. Weasley is there, too? As if sensing my disappointment, Mr. Weasley leans in to whisper something to us.

"Oh, don't give Kingsley all the credit. I was the one who found out the Malfoy's would be there tomorrow."

Hermione's jaw drops and I cover my mouth with my hand. Mr. Weasley is actually going against the wishes of his wife and allowing me to see Draco? He wishes Hermione and I a good night and I turn to her at the sudden news.

"Valentine, you must be careful," Hermione warns, her face evident with worry. "After Moody discussed using you for information from the death eaters, I can't help but to think that this is exactly what they're doing. I mean, Draco being the son of a death eater is as close of a line as they can get."

I thank her for her honesty about the situation. She's probably right; they're most likely just setting everything up perfectly for their own sake. But I don't have to tell them anything Draco and I talk about. After not seeing each other for so long, I'm sure they wouldn't want to be part of that conversation anyway. Or in the same room.

"Hermione, you reminded me! I have letters I haven't opened," I gasp. I say goodbye to her and quickly make my way back up to our shared room to rummage through my purse. I have been so completely engrossed in cleaning and finding out more about the Order that I haven't given another thought to the letters I received - then shortly stuffed away - before my journey here.

Hoping that the expensive-looking parchment with green ribbon is from Draco, I decide to open his last. I would completely forget about the other letters all over again if I open his first. Luckily, the one I open first is Rue's.

We've been begging Marcus's family for you to stay with us, but your father was adamant that you stayed with the Weasley's this entire summer. He has been speaking with Mr. Weatherby and we can't know why.

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