35. Magical Night

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A/N : This is a long chapter, just a warning!!

I smooth my dress and admire myself in the mirror. I've never been a fan of my weight, but this dress accentuates my curves in the best way possible. Red is definitely my color, and the velvet makes me look soft and touchable. I hope Draco kisses me tonight.

"Merlin, Valentine you look irresistible!" Rue admires. She is in a yellow princess-style gown. The yellow compliments her skin tone perfectly and she genuinely looks like she should be sat on a throne in the front of the great hall. "Marcus and I will have to make sure your boyfriend can control himself tonight." Rue and Marcus refuse to call Draco anything other than my boyfriend since he asked me out. And yes, they went insane over how he asked me out.

I roll my eyes playfully and spray the perfume set Marcus bought me last year for Christmas. "I don't even want to think about how close you and Marcus will be tonight. Separating you two is like separating strong magnets."

Once we decide we're ready, we walk down to the Hufflepuff common room. Many students are there, helping each other get ready or greeting their dates. Marcus and Cedric are talking next to our usual table, and Martin is desperately trying to get one of them to pet him. He is using his paw to tap on their arms until one of them mindlessly scratches his puffy orange forehead.

Marcus let's out a low whistle once he sees Rue. He is also wearing a yellow tie in the exact shade of their dress. I remember he said he wanted them to wear green so she could be "his little emerald," but I love the yellow more. There aren't as many people wearing yellow, especially not as bright. "Rue, you look gorgeous," Marcus compliments. His gaze is full of love as he pulls Rue closer to him and they share a tender kiss. When Cedric and I realize the moment isn't going to end any time soon, we excuse ourselves and make our way to the great hall.

"Are you ready for our grand entrance?" Cedric asks. We link arms as he helps me down the stairs. Although my heels aren't very tall, I'm still not used to them and am grateful for the support. "Have you and Malfoy been practicing?"

"Grand entrance? What do you mean?" I ask. I definitely was told of no such thing and Cedric laughs at my ignorance. "Cedric, what grand entrance?"

We reach the bottom of the stairs and approach the crowd of students in front of us. Cho waves cheerfully and walks toward us. She's in a traditional dress and her hair is pinned up beautifully. She is honestly one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. "Well, that's my cue to leave. I think your date is wanting my head on a stick. I'll see you later, Valentine."

Cedric and Cho wave goodbye and disappear into the crowd. I follow where Cedric pointed and see Malfoy glaring at Cedric as he walks away from me. When Draco's eyes land on me, he does a double take. His mouth hangs open, but when he realizes there are other people here, he regains composure and approaches me.

"Draco, do you know about a grand-"

I can't complete my sentence; Draco's hands are on my waist and his lips are on mine in an instant. His thumbs rub soothingly on my hips as he pulls me closer, deeper into the kiss. When he pulls away for some air, I can feel how hot my face is. "Valentine, you look..."

"There you are! Champions and there dates have the first dance!" Professor McGonagall spews. She beckons us to follow her and we stand in an empty corridor with the other champions while the rest of the students file inside.


Hermione is hugging me in an insane. When we separate, my jaw drops at her beauty. Her pink dress suits her features perfectly and her hair looks elegant. "Hermione! What are you doing here?"

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