26. The Chosen Champions

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We're all sitting in anticipation; Professor Dumbledore has just placed the goblet of fire in front of us to reveal the names of the chosen champions. It's hard to keep still; I'm praying that Cedric is chosen since he's the most able Hufflepuff. We sit impatiently as Professor Dumbledore finishes his speech.

The goblet changes color and a name pops out of it, a large puff sounding. "The Durmstrang student is... Viktor Krum," he announces. The Durmstrang students cheer and pat Viktor's back as he walks towards the professors. His headmaster pats his shoulders proudly as Viktor disappears into the room behind him. Another parchment flies out of the goblet. "The Beauxbatons champion - Fleur Delacour."

We all clap for her; she's beautiful, smart, and seems to be the most popular girl from her school. After she exits the room, my heart beats rapidly. Now it's time for the Hogwarts student to be announced. Please be Cedric. Please be Cedric!

The last piece of parchment lands directly in Professor Dumbledore's hand. "And finally, the Hogwarts champion."

We lean forward, ready to leap to our feet to support our champion. "Cedric Diggory!"

The entire Hufflepuff table jumps in victory - finally, spotlight for our house! I jump in place and high five Cedric as he passes. I knew he would be chosen, I could just feel it. After a moment of applause, Professor Dumbledore manages to control our volume and we sit back in our seats. "Now that the champions have been chosen-"

He's cut off by two more puffs from the goblet. He catches the two pieces of parchment in either hand and stares between each one. The entire room is dead silent now - what does this mean? Has there been a mistake?

"Harry Potter and ... Valentine Walker."

My heart sinks. There has been a mistake. I'm too young to have my name entered! So is Harry. How has there been a mistake?

I'm on my feet in surprise, and I notice two other people are - Marcus and Draco. Marcus has his hand on my shoulder protectively as he stares at Professor Dumbledore in bewilderment. Draco looks utterly petrified - you would assume his name was called. "There's been a mistake!" Draco yells. His voice echoes in the room; it sends chills down my body. I feel a nudge on my right and see Harry next to me. He looks as terrified as I feel. I'm too scared to move, I might vomit on the spot.

A few yells are heard, all of them insults toward us. They're mostly toward Harry, since I've never been involved in any of this. Most students here don't know my name, and if they do, they know that I'm a rule follower. I'm not adventurous - let's not forget what happened the last time I was faced with danger. Well, before the World Cup.

I follow Harry into the room behind the professors. Professor McGonagall looks upon us with pity while the other professors look suspicious and surprised. No one expected my name to be called. There must be a way out of this. Three Hogwarts champions? As if that's allowed! Especially with two so young.

Fleur, Viktor, and Cedric turn to face us in confusion. "Are we needed out there?" Cedric asks.

"Was there a mistake?" Fleur asks. I can't answer; I can only stare. I know as soon as my mouth opens, I will throw up. There's no doubt in my mind. In fact, I may faint at the thought of participating in any of these challenges.

After what seems like an eternity, the professors and headmasters fly into the room and look between Harry and I. "Did you enter your names into the goblet of fire?" Professor Dumbledore asks. Harry and I, of course, begin to explain ourselves and how neither of us have a clue how our names could've been entered.

"Three Hogwarts champions? I knew something was fishy. There must be three champions from each school!" Karkaroff bellows. Madame Maxime agrees with her nose pointed high in indignation. "And to host the triwizard tournaments at your own school!"

"Professor, I promise I didn't enter my name!" I squeak. "I would never, you know that! I will gladly step down. I have no business in this tournament."

"They're just kids! They can't possibly enter," Professor McGonagall defends. She seems to be the voice of reason and quite possibly the only one in the room to believe us.

Professor Snape rolls his eyes and scoffs. "This has Potter's name written all over it. And as for Ms. Walker..." He raises an eyebrow. "You seem to have been getting closer to the troublemakers at Hogwarts. No doubt they are influencing you."

Loud clunking noises are heard and Professor Moody appears at the doorway. "The kids didn't do it," he explains. We all turn to him as he limps in the middle of the room. "It smells like dark magic to me."

Dark magic?

The professors erupt in arguments as they speak their own theories. Maybe if I faint, they won't make me? They couldn't possibly make us participate, right? "Professor, please! I will have detention every day this year to avoid this," I beg, grabbing Professor McGonagall's hands.

Just then, Barty Crouch enters the middle of the circle. Everyone silences to listen to what he has to say. "It's a magical contract; every wizard chosen is bound to it and must, therefore, complete each task."

Madam Maxime and Karkaroff yell in frustration. I agree with them - there shouldn't be so many champions for Hogwarts. Why me? Why is this happening to me? "How could this have happened?" Harry exclaims. I can tell he feels as terrified as I do.

"Someone must have entered your names under different schools," Professor Moody explains.

"You seem to have put a thought of thought into this," Karkaroff sneers, looking down in disgust at Professor Moody.

"Don't start. Let's not forget your history," Professor Moody snarls.

History? What history?

The professors begin to argue again and I look to the other champions. Fleur and Viktor are looking at us in anger, but Cedric doesn't seem as upset. He is definitely still upset - I would be too if I assumed I would be the only Hogwarts champion and two kids ruined the spotlight. I'm sure Harry's name will be the front of the papers, too.

"They're just kids!" Professor McGonagall yells. She's still trying to get Crouch to change his mind. Professor Snape and Karkaroff have already left in frustration and Madame Maxime is speaking to Fleur in a foreign language. I'm starting to feel dizzy. I'm sure this is just a dream and I'll wake up in bed tomorrow.

"Crouch said it himself! The kids must participate," Professor Moody says with a hint of finality in his tone. Professor Dumbledore agrees and sends us off to bed. I leave with Harry, both of us walking slowly. Cedric left without another word. I'm dreading walking into the Hufflepuff common room; no doubt people are praising Cedric and hating me.

When Harry and I reach the staircase that separates our dorms, we stop to look at each other.

"Good luck," we say in unison.

I know it's a really big change but I have so many plans for this school year.

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