42. The Second Task

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Warning - another long chapter

I couldn't sleep last night. Martin tried to help me, purring on my stomach as I lay on my back and stare at the ceiling. Draco saw the merpeople, and they didn't seem to like us. They chased us out of the Black Lake, there's no way they won't remember me.

When my alarm finally rings, I turn it off and slowly sit up. Martin jumps off my bed and sits next to his food bowl, awaiting his breakfast. I feed him then head to the bathroom to get ready for the task. Since I know I'll be swimming, there's no need to try to look pretty. I braid my hair in two and put on my black bathing suit and shorts. I cut into my shorts to make a place to hold my wand for when I'm swimming.

When I go to the common room, there's already many students there surrounding Cedric. He smiles at me and ushers me toward him so I can also face the attention. I have a sweater on that barely falls short of my shorts, which makes me feel utterly exposed currently.

"Are you prepared, Valentine?" Someone asks, raising their camera to temporarily blind us with a photo. "Is it true that you snuck into the Black Lake to get a head start?"

"There's no such thing as a head start in the Triwizard Tournament," Cedric answers, holding his hand up to shield his eyes from the constant photos being taken by the underclassman. "She was only practicing. Valentine wasn't the only one. She was just the only one who was caught."

Cedric laughs and he leads me away from the group, toward the exit. "We should eat before going down," he says, opening the door for both of us to exit.

"I don't feel very hungry," I reply, following him anyways and walking to the great hall. "I mean, I know defensive spells, I have the proper tools to last an hour, but I have no idea what I'm supposed to be looking for. Do you?"

Cedric shrugs. "I assume it will be a clue for the next task, like the golden egg was."

We wave to the students cheering as we pass and sit together at the Hufflepuff table. I scan the room for the other champions. I find Fleur and Viktor Krum, but I don't see Harry. Before I can ask Cedric where he thinks Harry is, Marcus sits across from us with a loud sigh.

"Where's Rue?" I ask. I play with the food on my plate, trying to convince myself that I need it. Cedric, on the other hand, is shoveling in bacon and eggs. "Is she not coming?"

Marcus takes a large bite of eggs and shakes his head. "We both got back from the library late last night. She feels like she's behind on everything since the week of detentions we had. I'm sure she's just sleeping in and will arrive for the task."

We finish eating and decide to go to the Black Lake, where students are arriving in herds to find the best place to watch. I watch in envy as all of my classmates are layered up and Cedric and I are both in shorts awaiting the cold of the water. "You look a bit pale, but you'll do fine," Cedric whispers. We're on the platform in front of the lake now, watching the crowd as more people arrive.

I spot some of Cedric's friends in one of the groups and they wave happily to us. We wave back and Cedric excuses himself. I turn to the water and put my hands on the rails as I look out. Draco promised that he would bring the gillyweed this morning, but every moment he isn't next to me is another moment my anxiety rises.

"You're shaking."

I turn and see Draco standing behind me. Crabbe and Goyle are behind him, both looking very annoyed. I'm sure they don't like waking this early on the weekend. "It's because I'm freaking out," I say, prying my hands from the frozen railing and wrapping my arms around myself. "I couldn't sleep last night and I didn't eat this morning. Standing here now ... I don't feel prepared."

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