{iCrossover With Victorious} Notes To Reader

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{Notes To Reader}
Note #1:
This fanfic was written when I shipped Jade with Andre because I had just discovered their ship (Jandre) and I was obsessed with it.

The ORIGINAL point of this fanfic, was to create an alternate version of the show where they got together instead of her and Beck.

But now, I have changed my mind once again and I can not come to a firm decision on what my current headcanon Jade Ship is.

(I change my mind ALL the time on who I ship her with since I personally feel she has chemistry with many of the characters.)

So even tho this fanfic originally centered around Jandre, I have revised the original version from when I wrote it in Summer/Fall 2022.

Now it has turned into a crossover with Icarly, and a glimpse into the future at what their lives would look like after highschool that just so happens to have the Jandre ship in it. So it's sort of a mix of all three of those topics with some extra drama thrown in there of course. I also may write more fanfics about my other ships as well like Cade or Sade for example.

I have WAY too many Jade ships to decide on just one. I can very easily see Jade and Andre together, Jade and Sam together, or Jade And Cat together. OR Sam and cat together as a couple, but that one's not about Jade.

Note #2:
I have finished watching Sam & Cat and Victorious multiple times over, but I have not personally watched/finished watching either versions of Icarly so some details may not be exactly canon to the originals. The Icarly characters are just added in order to spice up the story.

Note #3:
In this time line; Sam Bails cat out of jail but then realized living with cat may be too much to handle so she moves back to Seattle while Cat just continues to live with her Nona. And Carly missed her friends too much and moved back to Seattle as well. So Carly, Freddie, And Sam are all back in Seattle at the beginning of this fanfic just like normal Icarly.

(This takes place after both the iparty with victorious episode, and the episode of Sam and cat where Jade visits cat in Venice and meets Sam.)

So, the characters have already met once or twice before now.

Those are all the notes/disclaimers.

If this were an actual show, the events in Parts 1-3 would take place during season 1.

Parts 4- would take place in season 2.


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