{Part 8} Confessions & Quarrels

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A few weeks later, After everybody has apologized about everything, Freddie and Carly start the  Icarly webshow again, but this time in-cooperating Tori into the mix.

Carly and Freddie are dating, and none of them associate with Beck or
Robbie anymore. (Because Robbie started that awful drama between them and Tori would feel bad for dating Beck even tho Jade won't talk to her anyway.) She was going to call Beck  but decided it would be best if she didn't and just prioritized her friends over relationships for now seeing as it caused so much drama last time.

Tori sings on the webshow, Carly hosts and Freddie is the cameraman as usual.
Sam, Jade, Cat & Andre continue their band.

Nobody knows what Robbie or Beck are up to currently.

Romantic tension starts to build between Jade & Andre as more than just band members.

Jade can't stop thinking about how Andre was there to comfort her when Beck cheated on her. He sided with her, came and found her in the closet, and- oh no. No no. She doesn't like him. That would be stupid, obviously.
Current Friend Groups:
Jade, Andre, Sam, And Cat.

Tori, Freddie, And Carly.

Robbie and Beck are out of the picture, for now.
Cat tries to get over her crush on Freddie and adjust to adding Sam to her and Jade's friendship.

Jade tries to figure out if she likes Andre or not and vice versa.

Sam just enjoys hitting the drums angrily.

After a few months of having the band, the group decides that performing at Hollywood arts for proms and such is simply not cutting it anymore and they need more publicity. They need a bigger gig. Or perhaps, to appear and perform on a webshow...

Sam And Jade in Unison: "NO!"

Andre to Jade: "Please, you need to make up with Tori."

Cat to Sam: "And you need to make up with Carly, it's the only way we can get on their webshow to perform to millions of people."

Jade: "I'll wear pink before I "make up" with Tori. IM not in the wrong here, she is."

Andre: "To be fair tho, she did apologize multiple times."

Jade: "Oh so now you're taking her side?"

Andre: "What? No I'm not taking anyone's side I just-"

Jade: "Whatever. Either way I'm not doing it, so you can just forget it."

Sam: And If Sam's not doing it, I'm not doing it. Carly dated her cheating ex. There's no way I'm talking to her.
Tori: "ARE YOU CRAZY? JADE WILL NOT HESITATE TO KILL ME IF SHE GETS THE CHANCE!" "I'm not getting within in 200 feet of her." "Besides, I apologized a dozen times and she still didn't forgive me."

Freddie: "To be fair, you did cheat on with her boyfriend, it takes more than a dozen sorry's to fix that."

Tori: "Ok true but there's not really much else I can do, it's not like I can go back in time and undo what I did."

"You know how Jade is, once you've broken her trust it's hard to get it back."

Carly: "Please Tori! As my friend, please do this for me! My webshow means is much to me and if you don't do this we're going to have to cancel it!"

Freddie: "She's right. There's no other way. We're running out of time and Jade's band is exactly what we need right now for extra views."
Andre: "This is exactly what we need to get our band out there!"

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