{Part 9} Movies & Makeups

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Knock knock knock ✊ ✊✊💥

Jade shows up at Tori's door.

"Vega open up!"

Tori and beck are sitting on the couch watching a movie. She pauses it and she gets up to see who it is at the door.
As Tori looks through the peephole, to her dismay she sees Jade.

She gulps and slowly opens the door a crack.

Tori: "Jade... what are you doing here?"

Jade: "I'm not gonna bite, open the door."

Tori: "Why don't I believe you..." she says as she closes the door a little more.

Beck from the living room: "Tori, who is it?"

Jade: "You know I can pick a lock right."

Tori hastily opens the door.

Beck: "Oh no what does she want?"
Tori: "Jade... before you say anything remeber you were the one who said you don't mind if I date-"

Jade sees Tori and Beck together and immediately her heart starts racing and she starts getting a nauseous feeling in her stomach suddenly. But then, it goes away just as quickly as it came.

Jade: "I'm not mad."

Tori: "You're not? Are you sick?"

Jade: "No! Im not sick." She rolls her eyes.

Tori: "Well what did you come here for then if it's not to pound us to a pulp?"

Beck; "Yeah" he says eyeing her up and down suspiciously.

Jade: "I came to to thank you."

Tori: "WHAT? Im sorry could you repeat that-"


Tori: "Well, yeah I heard it I just- I'm
Confused. Thank me for what??"

Jade: "For helping Andre write that song... about me. Because of that, We're cool.

Tori: "Wait how do you know about that- UH I mean what song? Andre didn't write any songs about you-"

Jade: "Tori, it's ok Andre told me, it's how I found out."

Beck: "I'm sorry, did I miss something here? What song?"

Tori: 365 days...

Beck: "Wh- oh, OH OH"  then he says a less excited, oh. As he realizes.

Beck: "Was about Jade?"

Jade and Tori: Yes...

Jade: "I just really liked the song and wanted to thank you for helping him write it, I'll leave you two alone now."

She says as she leaves.

Tori: "Wait. Jade."

Jade: "Yeah?"

Tori: "You're welcome."

Jade gives a small smile at Tori, takes one last glance at Beck and Tori and says; "enjoy the movie."

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