{Part 6} Bonds Break And Bridges Burn

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Tori & Freddie's POV:

Freddie stops the car and says "We're here."

Tori and Freddie were now at Beck's house, hoping to find Carly to apologize.
Beck & Carly's POV:
Carly: "Why are we at school, it's 5 pm."

Beck: "Jade should be here."

Carly: "Why?"

Beck: "Apparently she has some new band or something and they've been practicing here after school."

Carly: "How do you know they have a band?"

Beck: "I asked Robbie."
Tori & Freddie's POV:
*knock knock knock* 👊👊👊

No answer.

Knock knock knock.

Still no answer.

Tori peeked in the window of Beck's RV expecting to see Carly & Beck, but there was no one.

Tori: "They're not home."

Freddie riled up his jacket sleeve and glanced at his watch.

Freddie: "Odd. They should be filming Icarly right now."

Tori: "Hey. Wait a minute. What time is it?"

Freddie: "5 P.M"

Tori: "That's the same time that Jade & band practice after school."

Freddie: "So?"

Tori. "You don't think they had the same idea as us do you?"

Freddie: "You mean, to apologize?"

Tori: "Yes. What if they went to the school to apologize to Jade."

Freddie: "I suppose it's possible."

Tori: "Oh it's more possible. I can almost guarantee you that that's where they are. Infact, I bet you my new pear pad on it."
Cat: "Answer the question Jade, please."

Jade: "Sure, Sam and I have been spending a lot of time together lately but that doesn't me she's my best friend."

Sam & Cat both say at once: "I'm not?"
"She's not?"

Jade: "What I meant was-"

Robbie comes and finds everybody in the hallway.

Robbie: "Cat! Why'd you run out?"

Cat: "Robbie-"

Robbie: "I thought you liked me back!"

Cat: "Robbie, no I'm sorry but I like someone else!"

Robbie, Jade, and Sam all once: "Who?!"

Cat: "Freddie Benson!"

Sam, and Robbie, at once: "You like freddie?!"
Freddie: "Who likes me?!"

Everyone but Tori & Freddie:

Jade: "Tori?!" Jade asks angrily.

Cat: "Freddie Benson what are you doing here!?"

Robbie: "Yeah, what are YOU doing here!?" He puffs out his chest pathetically and tries to toughen his voice.

Carly: "What is going on here?!"

Everybody turns and says: "Carly?!"

Jade looks hurt and stunned when she says: "Beck...?"

Andre sees the hurt in Jade's eyes, and looks equally as hurt for her.

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