{Part 5} Bands & Budding Romance

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Tori And Freddie's POV:

Tori: "Freddie! Who are you texting?"

Freddie tries to swipe his phone before she can but Tori grabs it.

Tori: "FREDDIE! You're texting Carly!?"

Freddie: "Relax, I was just going to tell her she can use my cameras for her webshow..."

Tori: "Sure you were." "It doesn't matter. Either way, I don't want you texting her! You know what she did to me." "I don't want my boyfriend talking to a traitor."

Freddie: "You weren't an angel either Tori! You CHEATED with Beck!"

Tori: "Oh look who's talking. You're the one who DATED this cheater. That says alot about your type." "The bar's so low that you might trip on it."

Freddie was looking really angry now.

Tori: "But I guess that explains why you like Carly."

Freddie turned around to face her  and his face was burning red.

Freddie: "Don't you dare saying about Carly."

Tori: "Admit it! You like her don't you? Carly! You like her!"

Freddie didn't say anything.

Tori: "I knew it."

Freddie: "Ok, fine. I'll admit it, once you admit that you're only dating me to get back at Carly anyway."

Tori: ...

Freddie just continued looking at her.

Tori: "Fine. So what if I am. You're no better than I am, I know you're just using me to make Carly jealous."

Freddie didn't even think while answering impulsively; "How did you know that?!"

Tori looked shocked for a minute, and then just said; "Wow."

Freddie: "Well I guess we have something in common. We're both in this relationship for Carly. I'm doing it to make her jealous and you're doing it to get revenge on her."

Tori: "She started it when she started dating Beck."

Freddie: "Because you started dating me!"

Tori: "Oh come on, Its not like I held you against your will. If I remember correctly, you were pretty eager too." She said while smirking.

Freddie: "Alright whatever. It doesn't matter who started it."

Tori coughs under her breath: "Carly."

Freddie shoots a look at her and finishes saying; "What matters is who finishes it."

Tori: "What do you mean by that?"

Freddie: "We need to break up and apologize to Carly." You need to apologize to Carly.

Tori: "Me? Why me?! She's the one who needs to apologize here."

Freddie: "You didn't let me finish, I need to apologize to her too. We both do."  "ALL of us need to apologize and sort this out and stop acting like children. But nobody is going to unless somebody makes the first move." "And that somebody is going to be me, er- I mean us."

Tori looked dismayed and dissatisfied at the idea.

Freddie: "Come on." He said as he grabbed her wrist and started pulling her.

Tori: "Where are we going??"

Freddie: "You'll see."
Cat, Robbie, & Sam's POV:

Sam: "I have to take a wiz. I'll be back."

It's just Cat and Robbie in the Band Room now.

Cat is perfectly comfortable with Robby and is happily and blissfully unaware that Robby still has a crush on her.

She sits theee, twirling her red hair singing her self a little song. "La la , la la."

Robbie looks at her longingly, but tries not to come off creepy. He can't help it, she's just so pretty. ___________________________
Jade & Andre's POV:

Andre: "Well this is awkward..."

Jade sarcastically replies: "Really? I hadn't noticed." 🙄

Andre: "Just move your leg-"

Jade: "Well there's a swell  idea!" She says in her mocking southern voice.

"If you hadn't noticed, it's stuck."

Though he can see that Jade is obviously annoyed, Andre can't help but enjoy being this close to Jade.

Andre: "Here, just let me  get it-"

Jade slaps his hand away and says "Don't touch me! I can do it myself."

Andre: "And suddenly, she's back."

Jade passively aggressively smirks at him and yanks at her leg, causing a bunch of commotion.

Walking by on her way to the bathroom, Sam overhears the commotion coming from the janitor's office and gets curious.
Robbie inches closer to cat
Sam approaches the janitor's closet.
Jade is trying to get her leg unstuck from underneath the cleaning supplies
Cat looks at Robbie
Sam jiggles the door handle and starts rapidly knocking
Jade gets her leg unstuck
Robbie grabs Cat's face
Sam opens the door as Jade and Andre fall onto eachother.
Sam sees this.
Sam: "Jade? Are you in he- WOAH-"

Andre and Jade realize what it's looks like and both scramble up to their feet.

Sam: "What's going on here?"

Andre starts to explain himself, stuttering and frantic when Jade interrupts him bluntly.

Jade: "NOTHING. Nothing is going on here."

She says as she storms out of the closet leaving a very puzzled Sam and Andre in there.
Jade goes back to the band room to find Robby kissing Cat.

Jade: "Cat?!"

Robby: "Jade?!"

Cat: "Robby Shapiro!!!"

She looked shocked and ran out.
Jade followed her.
Sam looked at Andre with a questioning eyebrow raise.

Andre: "Nothing- we didn't- she wouldn't- ahem." He cleared his throat and just excused him self awkwardly.

Sam stopped him by grabbing his arm.

Sam: "Why were you two in the janitor's closet together??"

Andre: "I can't tell you."

Sam: "It's already pretty obvious-"

Andre: "No it's not- that's not the reason why I can't tell you."

Sam: "Well what is it then?"

Andre: "Jade promised I wouldn't tell anybody."

Sam: "Or?"

Andre: "She threatened  to murder me with toilet paper... again"

Sam: "Oh, sounds like Jade- Wait again?"

Andre: "Yes."

Sam: "Well surely she wouldn't mind you telling me, I'm her best friend."

Cat: "You're her best friend?"

Sam and Andre turned to see Cat and Jade standing at the doorway of the janitor's closet.

Sam: "Cat-"

Cat: "I thought I was her best friend!"

Jade: "Cat,-"

Cat: "Jade is it true?" "Is she really your new best friend now?"

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