{Part 7} A Big "Happy" Reunion

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Now everybody from the old friend group is standing in the hallway, in the middle of the school. Everybody's shouting, some people look like they're about cry, while others like they're about to beat up someone.

Andre is holding back Jade from Beck,
Robbie's pathetically trying to attack Freddie while he's just holding him back with one hand, Cat's screaming "don't hurt him!" To Robbie, Tori's hiding being Beck from Jade and Carly's trying to talk to Freddie.

Sam's trying to talk to Cat about her  liking Freddie, Freddie's trying to get to Carly, overall it's just a mess.

All of a sudden they hear an oddly familiar voice that they were not expecting to here.

Sikowitz: "EVERYBODY QUIET!!!!!"

Everybody stops what they're doing to look at sikowitz.

Tori: "Sikowitz, what are you doing here? It's 5 pm."

Sikowitz: "I was erm- that's not important."

*Flashback to Sikowitz on a date with a coconut with a face drawn on it.*

Sikowitz: "What really matters is what's going on here. I can hear you all yelling from the boiler room."

Jade: "Why were you in the boiler room-"


Sikowitz: "NOW. Anyone care to tell me what's going on here?"

They all start talking at once.


Everybody was quiet. Nobody knew who was going to start first.

Sikowitz randomly pointed to Jade.

"Jade. Why don't you start."

Jade: "I'd rather not-"

Sikowitz: "TOO BAD. Explination. NOW. GO." He said as he clapped his hands with each word and pointed to her dramatically.

Jade: "Sam, Cat, Andre and I were practicing for our band when Robbie showed up and ruined everything."

Robbie: "I didn't do anything, you stormed off and made a scene!"

Cat: "You tried to kiss me!"

Jade: "You brought up Beck and Tori!"


Robbie just shrugged off being called a girl because he's so used to it at this point.

Tori: "I said I was sorry!"

Jade: "Like I care!"

Beck: "Jade-"

Jade: "OH and I assume the noble Beck is here to apologize too?"

Beck: "Yes, actually."

Everybody went silent.

Jade: "What...?"

Beck: "I did come to apologize. I'm sorry. I've missed you so much and I made a huge mistake. Please take me back Jade."

Jade: "Well- - Sorry doesn't cut it this time. If you think you can just come in here win me back-" She says trying to sound tough but her voice is shaking. She's contemplating if she even wants to date him still or not. One one hand she's furious with him for cheating but also the idea of him wanting her back and practically begging for her to take him is enticing.

Beck: "I know. I know it doesn't but-,"

She impulsively makes up her mind:

Jade: "But NOTHING. Beck. You cheated on me with Tori, but even before that you always pushed the boundaries of our relationship! You always flirted with other girls and never once asked them to stop. You saw it was making me jealous and insecure and you just let it happen!"

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